Update: November 11, 2015

Upon completing our first rounds of maps and sending them to Bob to look over and okay, we have now picked a second map to research.

Dalton-Map Q

Michael-Map J

Kevin-Map N

We plan that these longer and more dense maps will meet our 8 hour mark as they will take longer to complete. We plan do have these done by Friday November 20.

Thrashing Swordfish progress log update Oct. 16, 2015

today we as a group divided up the maps and who would have what map letter and came up with a plan of attack for how we are going to gather our information and when we want to turn our work in to each other and than pick our next map to do. we plan to have our information for our first map in on 10/21.

Thrashing SwordFish intro Sep. 15, 2015

Photo on 9-25-15 at 11.13 AM

We are the Thrashing SwordFish, we aim to create descriptions of the Schuylkill river boating trail. The members of the Trashing SwordFish are Kevin Greaser, Michael Curry and Dalton Burt. We have a sister team named the River Mappers. Who as well aim to crate a description of the Schuylkill river’s historic and interesting landmarks found on the rivers banks.