Out with a Bang

As our final post, we are reflecting on our project throughout the semester. We enjoyed working together and feel we made a difference in how people view food waste and recycling. We wanted to use to media as our major way of connecting to students and faculty on campus. The survey worked well because it allowed us to see how many students take advantage of the trash and recycling services we have on campus. It contributed to our service as well as our research. We designed a petition in order to “make something happen.” Not only did we want to advocate for recycling, but we wanted to contribute to the progress. We have heard from multiple sports teams that there are not enough recycling bins around campus and at sports’ complexes. This petition will hopefully change that. We met weekly in the library to work on our project throughout the semester and this was a big contributing factor to our success as a team.



We Are and Will Always Be… THE GREEN MEDIA

Nearing the End

For our meeting outside of class today, The Green Media met in the library to discuss how we will carry out the final presentation after break. We decided to make a PowerPoint in order to present our information clearly to the rest of the class. The picture included in this post is of the wonderful pagers that library hands out so you can start to work on your project in a different location while waiting for a private room to work and focus in!!

We can see the finish line!

During class today we finished our poster for the presentation in Gaige on the 28th!  We have our articles complete for the sustainability website including the topics of food waste in the American home, EPA’s WasteWise, Food waste and religion, and food waste around the world.  We are excited with how our project has come together, and excited to share our research with everyone else!


Finding the Answers

For our EACAP project today, we met in the library and continued individual research. We discussed aspects about each of our reports and thought of ways they connect to each other. We decided to have two members research the same area instead of different regions.



Let’s Talk About Research

Today, The Green Media met in the library to continue research. We discussed how we were finding it difficult to find relevant information on “waste reduction”; the topic was too broad. We decided that each member of the group would develop a more specific idea within our categories (Reading, major cities in PA, United States, and the World) in order to be able to write a final article. All the of the research done will tie in with the topic of food waste. This is where all of our research will come together when looking at the comparison of how different areas are taking action to control waste.


Getting Down to Research

Today we met with the research consultant, Brett Spencer, to discuss the best methods to conduct our research into waste reduction and sustainability. He pointed us the Penn State databases which are free to students and can be found on Penn State’s library homepage. He showed us how to effectively search through these databases to find the necessary information by using search methods that will pinpoint specific phrases in articles, how to use the advanced search tool, and use the citing tools already incorporated into the databases. Brett was a great resource that has given us the confidence to make our project credible by utilizing these databases to find periodicals, videos, and academic journals to support or project.








Work, work, work, work, work…

Today, we wrapped up our questions on the survey for students living on campus. We viewed the opportunity to be involved in a video about a recycling program, but decided we needed to focus on our individual EACAP project. We’re hoping to get a substantial amount of information from our survey in order to come up with a solution to reduce the mixture of trash and recyclables. We still need to figure out how we will distribute the surveys to students on campus. We are in the process of contacting RA’s in hopes that they can help to distribute the survey, and who doesn’t obey their RA?




Working out the Kinks

As a team we have decided to do research on the current knowledge students on campus have about sustainability, waste reduction, and other general environmental issues.  This research will help us understand what students currently do and don’t know and how they are currently utilizing the waste bins on campus.  During our first meeting we will be coming up questions to ask the students in our survey as well as figure out the best methods to distribute the surveys.


Newsletter Update: Planning Stages

On Friday September 23, 2016 at around 10:45, the EACAP groups working on the newsletter met to discuss the project. The meeting was led by Dr. Kazempour, who described the newsletter as a vehicle for reaching the study body on the topic of sustainability. Among the topics, the groups discussed spotlighting members from the Penn State Berks Sustainability Team, faculty and staff making efforts toward greater environmental awareness, writing articles gauging student interest in recycling, looking at issues in the community, and initiatives taken up by departments around campus. The newsletter will be a collaborative effort between the three teams, Thrive and Survive. Length and serial publication dates will be discussed at a later meeting.


The media has been utilized for years to change our viewpoints on the environment. The Inconvenient Truth that was released in 2006 was a huge contributor to creating awareness and a sense of urgency in regards to how we use products that create carbon dioxide emissions. A more recent example that occurred in 2013 was a documentary that shed light on the controversial capturing of killer whales. This documentary, entitled Blackfish, actually changed the policies of SeaWorld’s training and performance methods. Our goal is to create a call to action by using the influence of the media to once again change how the society views its relationship with the environment.

The Green Media team consists of students in various majors that will use their unique skills to inform and motivate change.
Paul Bailey-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Mangement option
Becky Webster-B.A. in Criminal Justice
Alli Stauffer-B.S. in Business Administration
Lexi Buckalew-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Management