Final Post

I all comes to an end. The Green To Extreme team finished up and presented Wednesday November 30th. We had a great experience with the project and look forward to the future and what it brings. Here is our presentation slides and some of our pictures on the service we did at Glenside Elementary. We put the birdhouses in the glenside garden and they look great. Some of our other birdhouses are being kept for the spring. Our research paper is finished and focused on food waste. Remember to eat what you can and put only what you can eat on your plate. Think, Save, Reduce.

Click on the link to see our presentation.


Our Community Event November 28th

Hi , Everyone Our Community Event has started for the green to extreme team. Please come out and see our research the we did. what we have on our board so far is sell by dates, best if used by dates, expired dates, and use by dates. We explain these in depth through our research. We also explain how a young girl produces very little waste and uses only a 12 oz mason jar for trash.  We have birdhouses that we created on display and our project. Her is our stand.our-project-environmental-science

Update on Service (Collab)

The Green to Extreme is at it again. We are continuing our progress on the project. We completed all of our birdhouses and hope to deliver them the week of December 3rd to Glenside Elementary. The Green to Extreme team has also been working on our research and creating a poster for our community event on the 28th of November. This event will help our team present ideas to the campus both during our normal class time and common hour. Common Hour is between 12:15- 1:15pm if you don’t know. Looking forward to seeing people there to show you our hard work/ determination. Some of the features our research entails include

  • Food Waste World Wide
  • Food Waste in Berks County and Other Surrounding Locations
  • Zero Waster Project- A young lady who fits all her trash in a 12 oz mason jar over a period of 2 years.
  • Our Plans on Helping the Environment
  • Food Waste Film Presented on November the 16th. This film included a couple who survived on only food waste for 6 months (half a year).

Here are some picture of our progress: There is more to come in later posts!




Our Research Progress

The Green to the Extreme team decided to focus our research on food waste and how it affects future generations of our time. Our means of research is condensed primarily to berks county. We introduce some projects in our research as well as different concerns and issue that are being presented. All of our research will be presented in our final paper. Below is a picture of food waste in America and food waste in Berks County. We believe that if there is no change in food waste our world will start to diminish slowly.

United States


Berks County


Update on Service

Hi, An update for our group is of the following:

  1. Decided to make recycled birdhouses
  2. Planning to use recycled soda bottles as birdhouse
    • Cutting the litter bottles in half
    • Attaching string to hold up the house in the tree
    • Painting to make it look great for the Glenside garden.
    • The plan is to do whats in the picture only with Liter Bottles.


If anybody would like to donate any soda litter bottle please speak to Alexa Lopez, Allison Fetterman, Taylor Delisle, Keri Klimko.

Our Contact Supervisor:

Allison Fetterman- Text, 610-401-1578, Taylor Delisle- 484-639-4064

Organization Meeting- 9-21-16

Keri, Alexa, and Taylor met with Karen from Glenside. They discussed different options and opportunities for our project. Karen really liked the idea of us attending their Fall Festival on a Wednesday night, however that doesn’t fit into our schedules of classes and sporting events. Another reason why the fall festival will not work is because Keri and Alexa do not have clearance to work on service. Since we can’t attend the Fall Festival, we turned down the opportunity to build birdhouses and create stepping stones for the garden. But instead we though it would benefit the students more if we created flower pots for the school. This includes window and outdoor pots. It will help improve the indoor and exterior features of the school.



Introducing Us: Green to the Extreme


Hello World!!

We’re pleased to meet you all. Our team members are made up of four Penn State Berks Students.

Our names are, and here’s a little bit about ourselves:


Taylor DeLisle- I am a Criminal Justice Major, I am in my junior year. I am an equestrian and spend a large chunk of my mine out doors with the animals.

Allison Fetterman -I am a Rehabilitation & Human Services major, I am a sophomore, and love spending time with my family. I love swinging on the hammock and enjoying the beautiful things life has to offer.

Keri Klimko -I’m a sophomore in the Kinesiology major. I’m also a student athlete as a part of the women’s soccer team at Berks. I enjoy watching movies, the beach, and cooking food.

Alexa Lopez- I’m a sophomore as well as a Psychology major. Like Keri, I play women’s soccer at Berks. I also love dancing and playing with puppies.

Since we are working with Glennside Elementary our goal is to help spread awareness to the next generation and to show them that every individual can do their part to help make a difference and a better planet for everyone.