Service Project Fair 11/28


For class on Monday November 28, we did a service project fair in the Gaige lobby. Here we brought in our finished posters and 2 samples of the different types of stepping stones we are taking to Glenside Elementary are. On our poster we talked about our research topic which was ocean pollution and the different aspects of that as well as our service project with Glenside in thier garden. The two different stepping stones that we brought for the display was one grade level stone and one greeting stone. For the different grade levels, 1st-5th, we decided to do two stepping stones for each grade level. Then for the greeting stepping stones we found six different ways to say hello in six different languages since we already speak English. So we decided to do hello, hola, aloha, guten tag, konnichiwa, ciao, and bonjour. These all are painted either red or blue and then w added a design to these stones.

MLR Paints

M and L from MLR got together on the first of December to finally do our service project with My Squash. We painted stepping stones for Glenside Elementary to go in their garden. It took us from 1:30-5 to finish painting all of them but we are hoping our time will brighten up their garden. Who knew environmentalists could also be pretty good artists?

Community Awareness Day!!


Today was the day! We presented over and over again our wonderful research and service components. The turn out was great and we had such a fun time sharing our knowledge and learning with you guys! The other teams’ projects were all looking just as good as we walked around and heard from them as well. We had a good day!

The final stretch

The team met up to finish our final part of our service project for the Glenside school. We brought rocks and painted some of the rocks to give to the kids so they have an idea of what the rocks going to be like. Were going to take the rest of the rocks to Glenside so the kids can paint rocks and put design on the rock and once they are done were going to help add them to the garden that they have already have at there school.



Green Day Enhancers Spreads Awareness at Berks


We created a poster dedicated to our research on water pollution to grab the attention of the Penn State Berks community. During the poster sessions we spoke with a lot of people and informed them about our issue-water pollution. It was an amazing turnout. The people we spoke with were very engaged. We even learned some things that we did not know; many people shared information that they learned from other sources. We received great feedback and it felt good to spread awareness! Also, they enjoyed the fact that we were working with Glenside to get the students involved with their environment. Someone mentioned that it was best to start informing them at a young age. Green Day Enhancers really enjoyed the event.



Our poster ^

Presentation Day

We had our first presentation yesterday. Unfortunately, MLR was just MR because L was out with the flu. But everything went well! Many stopped to ask questions and our poster was totally awesome because of how we paint splattered the background. Here’s to hoping our next presentation goes just as smooth!

Our Community Event November 28th

Hi , Everyone Our Community Event has started for the green to extreme team. Please come out and see our research the we did. what we have on our board so far is sell by dates, best if used by dates, expired dates, and use by dates. We explain these in depth through our research. We also explain how a young girl produces very little waste and uses only a 12 oz mason jar for trash.  We have birdhouses that we created on display and our project. Her is our stand.our-project-environmental-science

It all come to a close!! 2 Weeks Left!

The Green to Extreme team had made some finishing touches on our research and poster components for the up coming conclusion of the project and the common hour event. Here are some pictures of our research and poster work along with some of our bird-feeders.

img_9002-jpg our poster work so far!

screen-shot-2016-11-26-at-6-56-11-pm some item that will be in our mason jar!




The Last Stretch!

Everything is winding down so we are working diligently on the poster for the upcoming community day after we get back from break. We have a lot of shocking statistics and photos to present to everyone which have definitely changed our perspective on plastics waste and how much a negative impact our negligence has had on our oceans for decades which is getting worse with each passing year.


Wrapping Up the Process


We have put together teasers and articles regarding six topics related to sustainability. Those topics are as follows: Bee Hives, Rain Barrels, Bat Houses, MOBIUS Recycling, Paper Waste Reduction, and the Food Recovery Network. Eventually, these short blurbs and articles will go on the Penn State Berks Sustainability webpage. In the mean time, we set up our own personal website titled EACAP Environmentalist, which you can access HERE, to get a good idea of the work we have done in making people more aware of the importance of sustainability and how it affects various aspects of the environment.

Our poster is almost done. We still plan on adding some facts about our research paper, which was on a totally separate topic: deforestation. The research paper itself is pretty much done. We are also going to present images of our personal webpage (not the official Penn State one) on our poster so people can get a feel for what we were able to accomplish.

In terms of our plan to issue a recycling survey to people to see what they actually recycle out of the recyclable materials that they use, we did not see how this would relate to any aspect of our project and our end goal. We may still do it since it does relate to sustainability, but it will be done on a much smaller scale and as a much smaller portion of our project since it is not the main goal of the EACAP project.