Meeting in the Library

During our time in the library we talked about our research paper. We talked about the topic we wanted to talk about and as group we decided we wanted to talk about water pollution. We chose water pollution because it’s important issue and we use water daily so it important to understand whats going on. Also during our time in the library we reflected on our service and further discussed other parts of our project.



Ready, Set….



As a group, we further discussed our plan about how we are going to go about the EACAP project and broke it up into more specific parts.

We still plan to distribute to about 10 people a list, where they will write down a large amount of things that they use, what they use that can be recycled, and what they actually recycle. This list will be formatted in the form of three columns, and was made today. The columns will consist of one of each thing listed above: what people use, what recyclable products they use, and what they actually recycle. We will then construct a graph for the 10 people with three lines: one with total things that they use, another with total recyclable things that they use, and another with things that they actually recycle. We will note how much larger the overall usage of recyclable materials is in comparison to the overall recycling to better understand how important it is that we make people aware that waste reduction needs to take place.

We will then write blurbs/short articles about each of the six initiatives (Bee Hives, MOBIUS Recycling, Food Recovery Network, Rain Barrels, Paper Waste Reduction,  and Bat Houses) on the Sustainability website providing an overview of each initiative and adding an appropriate image to each. The images were all gathered this morning.

Knowing that our graphs will most likely show that not everything that needs to be recycled gets recycled by the people we survey, we will also mention how improvements in terms of increased recycling and waste reduction will help each of the initiatives be more successful not only at Penn State Berks, but anywhere.

Finding the Answers

For our EACAP project today, we met in the library and continued individual research. We discussed aspects about each of our reports and thought of ways they connect to each other. We decided to have two members research the same area instead of different regions.



Thrive and Survive Putting in Work

Today around 11:30 AM the team met in the library to get some serious stuff done. We worked together and collaborated on a lot of different ideas before deciding on a few specific quotes we’d like to write on windows and some specific ideas we’d like to incorporate in our flyers. It was a very good meeting and very productive! A lot of work got done and our meeting finished around 12:15.



Update on 10/28 class time



Today our group accomplished a good amount. We discussed about what our next wordpress post would be and the content we were going to put into this post. We then talked about our research and what we are doing next. Our research is going great so far, but we aren’t fully there done yet. Our research topic is Ocean Pollution and there is a whole post that will be put up about what we are doing  We are trying to figure out what our project will for the presentations we have to do. We also discussed about what we are definately doing at Glenside with the vice principal.


Ocean Pollution Research

My Squash decided to do research on ocean pollution and how it affects the environment.  We, as a team, came up with some great websites to do the research and then worked to find the research individually.  It is all on a collective document so everyone on our team knows what we are researching.  The main topic is about plastic in the ocean, how it affects the animals, and how it changes the environment.  Another topic is how it builds up and created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the ocean.

A turtle is caught in a fishnet trap. The Rainbow Warrior is in the Mediterranean for a three month expedition "Defending Our Mediterranean". Greenpeace is calling for the creation of marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea, as part of a global network covering 40% of our seas and oceans.

Let’s Talk About Research

Today, The Green Media met in the library to continue research. We discussed how we were finding it difficult to find relevant information on “waste reduction”; the topic was too broad. We decided that each member of the group would develop a more specific idea within our categories (Reading, major cities in PA, United States, and the World) in order to be able to write a final article. All the of the research done will tie in with the topic of food waste. This is where all of our research will come together when looking at the comparison of how different areas are taking action to control waste.


Informative Video about Recycling

So far we have gathered a decent amount of information about ocean waste and just how dire the situation which is much worse than what anyone thought. Gabriel and myself have volunteered to be apart of video skit about how to properly recycle on campus. We did our first shoot 2 weeks ago for the first scene and have been thinking about what else we want to add to the video. We will update you guys regularly on not only the progress of what we find about ocean waste but our informative video skit.

-Malama Chibwe

Our Research Progress

The Green to the Extreme team decided to focus our research on food waste and how it affects future generations of our time. Our means of research is condensed primarily to berks county. We introduce some projects in our research as well as different concerns and issue that are being presented. All of our research will be presented in our final paper. Below is a picture of food waste in America and food waste in Berks County. We believe that if there is no change in food waste our world will start to diminish slowly.

United States


Berks County
