Getting Down to Research

Today we met with the research consultant, Brett Spencer, to discuss the best methods to conduct our research into waste reduction and sustainability. He pointed us the Penn State databases which are free to students and can be found on Penn State’s library homepage. He showed us how to effectively search through these databases to find the necessary information by using search methods that will pinpoint specific phrases in articles, how to use the advanced search tool, and use the citing tools already incorporated into the databases. Brett was a great resource that has given us the confidence to make our project credible by utilizing these databases to find periodicals, videos, and academic journals to support or project.








Update on Service

Hi, An update for our group is of the following:

  1. Decided to make recycled birdhouses
  2. Planning to use recycled soda bottles as birdhouse
    • Cutting the litter bottles in half
    • Attaching string to hold up the house in the tree
    • Painting to make it look great for the Glenside garden.
    • The plan is to do whats in the picture only with Liter Bottles.


If anybody would like to donate any soda litter bottle please speak to Alexa Lopez, Allison Fetterman, Taylor Delisle, Keri Klimko.

Our Contact Supervisor:

Allison Fetterman- Text, 610-401-1578, Taylor Delisle- 484-639-4064

My Squash Update

My Squash will be attending Glenside with another group in BISCI and work on the same project. It will be a team effort because the Assistant Principal feels more comfortable with at least 6-8 people supervising. We will be giving each child at Glenside Elementary a rock. On each rock there will be a special and fun design that was created and painted by each student. For example, a child could paint “Bonjour”, “Hello”, or “Hola.” The rock could also have a picture of the environment with trees, mountains, or rivers. Students can also draw a cute animals that plays a huge role in the ecosystem. This activity not only teaches students at Glenside more about taking care of their garden and earth, but how to have fun with science and use their imagination.

The Environmentalist Stirs Up Plan A


Loads of cans have been recycled by consumers and are ready to be hauled away to be remade into new and more useful products.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Our first plan to increase the awareness of the need for recycling involves having a couple of randomly selected individuals record everything that they use on a daily basis that are recyclable. This could be anything and everything that at some point in time can be recycled. It will also include a section of the things that they totally use up that are recyclable, and whether or not that person actually took the time and effort to recycle them or not (things like aluminum cans, paper, etc.)

This plan could turn out very successfully, or it could be flawed, as people could purposely just give us the best possible more “environmentally friendly” answer we could ask for just to gt the project done with, so the plan is to not make it long or boring. Hopefully this will not be the case, and we can make it interesting enough for people to actually want to participate, but we will see what we can do.

Work, work, work, work, work…

Today, we wrapped up our questions on the survey for students living on campus. We viewed the opportunity to be involved in a video about a recycling program, but decided we needed to focus on our individual EACAP project. We’re hoping to get a substantial amount of information from our survey in order to come up with a solution to reduce the mixture of trash and recyclables. We still need to figure out how we will distribute the surveys to students on campus. We are in the process of contacting RA’s in hopes that they can help to distribute the survey, and who doesn’t obey their RA?




Our thoughts…

The MLR group has decided on two things.

First of all, we will be conducting research on the contamination of water and how we as a community can fix the issue. We will research how water becomes contaminated in different areas of the country and how to solve each.

Second, as previously mentioned, MLR decided to work with the enhancements of Glenside Elementary. We have decided to work with My Squash to make stepping stones for their garden as well as replace some of the flowers that are dying within the garden. We look forward to making their garden flourish with some color.

Vanilla Chocolate Making Plans for World Improvement

Meeting with Dr. Mahsa Kazempour, who is the head of the Sustainability team at Penn State Berks, our team discussed with her the details of what we will be doing when the fifth graders arrive on campus for their tours and various activities. She talked and gave us different ideas for various activities our team could possibly do with the young fifth graders and how to engage them while teaching them about the environment. Overall our meeting went well and provided our team with much needed clarity to carry on with our project.

Working out the Kinks

As a team we have decided to do research on the current knowledge students on campus have about sustainability, waste reduction, and other general environmental issues.  This research will help us understand what students currently do and don’t know and how they are currently utilizing the waste bins on campus.  During our first meeting we will be coming up questions to ask the students in our survey as well as figure out the best methods to distribute the surveys.


To Give Back…



B and S Incorporated thought of ways that we could contribute to our community and then we were faced with the EACAP project. Our team decided that we are going to join forces with the Sustainability Team here on campus. On October 28, 2016 we have all volunteered our time to help the Sustainability Team conduct a field trip for the fifth graders that will be arriving from Glenside. Together, we will be helping set up stations, cleaning up stations, creating handouts and various other activities to help educate the fifth graders on the environment. Each member of our team is looking forward to helping out and feel honored to be given the opportunity to help give back to our community here at Berks!

Ocean waste

Decided on research topic: Ocean waste

With over 5 trillion pieces of trash in the ocean, the natural beauty is becoming tarnished so this is a major major issue. The ocean is a beautiful and rich place so we as a group chose this topic in hopes of informing people and changing their perspective on ocean waste. Hopefully we motivate at least one person to become active in helping clean up our ocean