Team Gaia’s Final Post

We are finally here with our final post and reflection on our progress as Team Gaia. We definitely learned a lot working on this topic and learned that if we want a bright and healthy future for the next generations we NEED to take action and start finding healthy ways to co exist on earth as far as waste goes. Seeing how we currently have 5 trillion plastic waste in the ocean was eye opening and shows how its OUR responsibility to recycle and reuse whatever we have or at least change our lifestyle waste to not produce so much pollution. We had fun learning everything we did and despite a few bumps in the road we came together and had an awesome presentation. We especially enjoyed making the Recycling video skit which will be posted on the Penn State Berks site once its all finished. Ultimately we can all do a little something to help make the environment and our oceans healthier. Team Gaia out!

The Last Stretch!

Everything is winding down so we are working diligently on the poster for the upcoming community day after we get back from break. We have a lot of shocking statistics and photos to present to everyone which have definitely changed our perspective on plastics waste and how much a negative impact our negligence has had on our oceans for decades which is getting worse with each passing year.


Update on Service (Collab)

The Green to Extreme is at it again. We are continuing our progress on the project. We completed all of our birdhouses and hope to deliver them the week of December 3rd to Glenside Elementary. The Green to Extreme team has also been working on our research and creating a poster for our community event on the 28th of November. This event will help our team present ideas to the campus both during our normal class time and common hour. Common Hour is between 12:15- 1:15pm if you don’t know. Looking forward to seeing people there to show you our hard work/ determination. Some of the features our research entails include

  • Food Waste World Wide
  • Food Waste in Berks County and Other Surrounding Locations
  • Zero Waster Project- A young lady who fits all her trash in a 12 oz mason jar over a period of 2 years.
  • Our Plans on Helping the Environment
  • Food Waste Film Presented on November the 16th. This film included a couple who survived on only food waste for 6 months (half a year).

Here are some picture of our progress: There is more to come in later posts!




8 million TONS of Plastic Waste

So we have been doing in depth research on this topic and we are finding very disturbing information about how much plastic waste is dumped into our oceans. “Every year tons of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean 8 million tons of it in fact. That means the total amount of plastic trash already in the ocean is much larger which is even worse news.” The real problem is plastic isnt bio degradable so essentially it stays forever floating in our oceans killing so much of our marine life and affecting the overall health of the ocean.


Caption:[UNVERIFIED CONTENT] Plastic trash pollution on beach of Labuan Bajo (Flores Island). It is sad to see that in that small fishing town which is the gateway to the Komodo Islands, a nearby protected nature reserve famous for a species of large lizards (called Komodo dragons). The area also has some of the world's best scuba-diving spots. Unfortunately, indigenous people are still used to throw away trash on road sides and in rivers (which was fine when all that trash was biodegradable, before the invention of plastic). They don't have good waste disposal or recycling facilities. So all the plastic trash ends up in the ocean, and then is washed-up on shore. It's particularly ugly at low tide. This is a major environmental problem that affects all developing countries. Other keywords: environment, environmental impact, pollution, plastic trash, ocean, sea, global, garbage, seashore, fishing village, boats. Oct 12, 2011

Earth Day with Glenside Elementary Students!

Our time last Friday on Earth day with the kids was awesome! Team Gaia came and made a impact with these 5th graders who were awesome to spend most of the day with. Joseph came in early and helped Professor Kazempour set up the room for the students arrival and activities for the day. Gabriel came in as the activities got started and help make teams and with the start of the activities which were centered how each individual kid can have a positive impact on the environment. I came in half way through the day and helped the kids with the rest of the activities one involved painting the kids hands and creating the world. I helped with the clean up while Joseph went on tour with the kids. Overall it was really fun and good learning experience for everyone involved especially the kids as Professor Kazempour taught them how to recycle properly. Go Team Gaia!!


Informative Video about Recycling

So far we have gathered a decent amount of information about ocean waste and just how dire the situation which is much worse than what anyone thought. Gabriel and myself have volunteered to be apart of video skit about how to properly recycle on campus. We did our first shoot 2 weeks ago for the first scene and have been thinking about what else we want to add to the video. We will update you guys regularly on not only the progress of what we find about ocean waste but our informative video skit.

-Malama Chibwe

Ocean waste

Decided on research topic: Ocean waste

With over 5 trillion pieces of trash in the ocean, the natural beauty is becoming tarnished so this is a major major issue. The ocean is a beautiful and rich place so we as a group chose this topic in hopes of informing people and changing their perspective on ocean waste. Hopefully we motivate at least one person to become active in helping clean up our ocean

Gaia’s impact

Gabriel Campuzano- Biological Engineering of Natural Resources

Malama Chiwe- Business Management and Marketing

Joseph Glodek – Global Studies

We are working with young student by leading small activities that help educate them about the environment and to have along the way. Its a creative way for young children to learn about things about the environment and how to help take care of it to make this world a better place for all of us and for future generations

Our group is trying impact future generations by raising awareness on our societies impact on our environment and what we can do help it. Hoping to see kids genuinely having fun while learning about the environment and how to protect it which will be a life long memory they will never forget