Today was our presentation for the 2017 Green Team in class. We discussed our PowerPoint we made regarding our work at Nolde and research report. We displayed our research on how natural disasters play a huge role in how our environment is designed. We talked about hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes. We also talked about our service project at Nolde State park, about how we cleaned a particular area free of invasive plants. This allowed native plants and animals the protection they need to live a healthier life. We also took part in a bird watching program that allowed us to count the number of birds we saw at the feeders. The data we collected will be reviewed by students at Cornell University to study the migration of various types of birds.
From all of us from the 2017 Green Team we would like to thank you for following our work we did to help save our precious environment throughout the semester. We hope it encourages others to go outside and volunteer at different places so that we can strive for sustainability. This project was a great team effort and it could not have been done without all of the team member’s help. We found out Nolde has a lot of fun events going on throughout the year so check them out.
2017 Green Team: Dan, Mitch, Travis, Tony