HWMR Environmental’s Guide on Understanding Pollution

HWMR Environmental is a collaborative ground consisting of Mason Fontana, Hassan Koroma, Robert Yeaney, and Wyatt Zeigler. Our project consisted of two viewpoints of pollution that negatively affects our environment. Specifically, we will be discussing E-Waste pollution and Non-point Source Pollution. E-Waste comprises technological devices such as cell phones, computers, microwaves, and more that are disposed of inappropriately in our environment. Non-point source pollution is pollution that does not come from a single source such as a pipe and comes from multiple sources including precipitation, smokestacks, pesticides, motor oil, and many more man-made/human-made products and public disposal.

The Lion Kings Help Keep Reading Sustainable

Hello all! Our EACAP team, consisting of Cole Sinnott, AJ Everett, and myself, Justin Renninger, would like to introduce ourselves and our project. The team name we have given ourselves is “The Lion Kings”, and we are working on researching how to make the city of Reading more sustainable. We are focusing on the effects of climate change, mainly targeting a younger audience. We hope to reach that audience and raise more awareness for the issue we are facing, not just in Reading, but in our country and world, as well.

The issue that we researched was climate resiliency, more specifically how pollution is an issue in our area. Both air pollution and land pollution, such as litter, is a big issue in the area of Reading, as with any larger city, and we researched how it is caused, was the consequences are, and how it can possibly be solved. Our service project that we did was create a video around 3-5 minutes in length that showcased testimonies from people around campus and the city of Reading on what climate resiliency means to them, and how they feel climate change has affected them.

We thought that the project was interesting and it opened our eyes to the issue of pollution, and how the city of Reading needs to improve in that area in order to become more sustainable. While the EACAP project was more of a semester-long project, it was one that helped you gain some knowledge about the things you were researching and studying. We feel like we gained some knowledge on how the city of Reading can improve on its sustainability and that there is some work to be done from here forward. Our message to the youth and other individuals is to help improve the sustainability of not just the city of Reading, but also your communities, wherever you live. It is important to make sure that we pay attention to our environment and that we are doing our part everyday to keep the environment clean and sustainable everywhere.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-i59zeV6-r93WkQFDl Wcq1Qniz8lUwHa/view?usp=sharing




