Teens for Change

We are Teens for Change, Shandyle Ofori, Ava Rosenberg and Lillian DaSilva. Shandyle is majoring in Finance, she did FBLA and track in highschool. Ava Rosenberg is majoring in business and worked at a preschool in highschool. Lillian DaSilva is majoring in Psychology and ran cross country in highschool.

Our research issue was Habitat destruction. We focused on the impact of deforestation, pollution, urbanization and agriculture. We wanted to learn more about the impact of humans and wanted to teach others. We talked about the consequences, solutions and goals of stopping and preventing more habitat destruction.

Teens for Change worked with Northeast middle school. We worked in their courtyard cleaning up the plant beds and putting down painted rocks. We did two murals showing the water cycle and some vines to liven up the area.


As a whole we all learned that there are huge impacts from such little things. As we did research with Habitat destruction we saw how big of an issue it was and how much is happening today. For our service project we learned about helping others and making little changes makes a huge impact. Everyone saw us working and teachers, staff and the Principle were all grateful for the work we put in and said we livened up the space. We all put in a lot of work and seeing it pay off made us feel like little things can make big changes. Our message to others is even if you think you can’t make changes, just the smallest change can make a huge impact.