Food Avengers

Hi guys! So our group has come up with the name of Food Avengers.

Caterin Zabala: Cat is currently a junior. She is majoring in Business Management. She decided to take BiSci because she wanted to be aware of the problems that are happening in the environment and wanted a chance to help her community.

Olivia Johnson: Olive is a freshman majoring in English/History. Her hometown in Cheltedhom, PA. She is extremely interested in BIsci.

Jakin Lett: Professional Writing major. Really excited to involve himself in the FRN because it will give him the chance to help his community.

Brianna Varano: Currently, a sophomore and is from Philadelphia, PA. She is majoring in communications. She wanted to know more about how humanity is affecting the environment.

Manvi Chopra: Currently a senior majoring in business management/marketing. FRN will be a great way to give back to the community and get everyone involved.


Intro (Team C.O.M.S.) – 3/17/15

Our group is Team C.O.M.S., and there is four students within our group. Our group is Leila Omar, Sarah Miller, Karissa Smith, and Randy Criss. Leila is a 18 year old freshman at PSU Berks and hoping to major in elementary education. Sarah is a 20 year old sophmore at PSU Berks and is majoring in agricultural education. Karissa is 18 year old freshman at PSU Berks and hoping to major in comparative literature. Randy is a 26 year old transfer student that is now at PSU Berks and is majoring in criminal justice. We are working with the Food Recovery Network on our Penn State Berks campus. We will be helping to take the food from Tully’s (our cafeteria) on campus and take the food to the shelters and soup kitchens in the area to help feed those that are not as fortunate in the area.

Introduction (Team Stratz) 3/8/2015

Hello everyone, my name is Kyle Baker and I am currently a sophomore here at Penn State Berks. I transferred here from Elizabethtown College where I studied business administration. Currently I am double majoring in marketing/management and IST, while also looking to pick up a minor in professional writing. I am also a student-athlete here at Berks, being the starting goalkeeper on the soccer team. I am also currently looking to pursue a role in the Penn State Berks Student Government as a Financial Manager.

My name is Christina but I go by Tina. I am currently a Junior studying Psychology. I was born and raised in North Jersey and lived there all my life. Currently I am completing my 150 hour internship, babysitting, and taking 5 classes. I’m not sure what I want to do after graduation but my current focus in my field is Human Resources.

My name is Greg Zelinske. I am currently a sophomore at Penn State – Berks Campus where I am seeking a degree in Secondary Education with a focus in Social Studies. I was born and raised right here in Berks county in the town of Shillington, just outside of Reading. After graduation, I plan on becoming a middle school teacher (ideally in 7th, 8th, or possibly 9th grade) in the greater-Reading area. I hope to be able to teach some type of European History or Civics.

My name is Pearce Harhigh, I was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and lived there my whole life. I am a second semester freshman at Penn State Berks. I am currently deciding between majoring in business or criminology. My hobbies are snowboarding, hanging out with friends, and playing baseball. I currently play on the baseball team at PSU Berks. After graduation, I plan on moving to California and starting a family.

My name is Keeanu Erb. I currently attented Penn State Berks and I am seeking a degree in Security and Risk analysis. After graduation I plan to get a job in some kind of IST field. I plan to intern sometime next semester and hopefully get a job with a good company. My hobbies include playing baseball for the team here at berks, and hanging out with my teammates.

Due to all members of the group being commuters as well as athletes, we decided to partner with the school in hopes to bring a branch of the Food Recovery Network here to Berks. We are also interested in nutrition and the waste produced here at school while also helping to deliver unused goods and food to local organizations. We look forward to partnering with the group, and hope to make BIG things happen here at Penn State Berks!

Team Introduction (Sailor Moon) Mar 8,2015

“We are Sailor Moon, champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, we will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means food wastes!” We are here to save the food wastes on campus by involving in the food recovery program.

My name is Ruby Yang and I am the leader of Sailor moon team, there are three other members in our group, Lisa Zhu, Charles Chen and Steven Jin. I am a freshman majoring in communication. Lisa Zhu as well as Steven Jin is freshman majoring in business, whereas Charles Chen is a sophomore major in Finance. Our group members are all Chinese and we have a good relationship between each other.

This program is student-run and involves getting food left over from the campus kitchen out to charities. Cooperates with other group, sailor moon is here to lower the level of food wastes on campus and make every efforts to perfect this program. Sailor moon also does research, we aim to find out the energy we have on campus along with the possible clean energy we can create in the future. On behalf of the moon, the mission we got is to save the energy in our campus, as well as the entire society.