Team Swag Hawk Mountain 03/19/2015

Team Swag Riding a TruckNames: (James Unell, Leif Greiss, Phil Kondracki, Nathan Faust)
Topic: (Fracking)
Organization: (Hawk Mountain)
Date: Taken March 19, 2015
We are riding in the bed of a truck with some heavy wooden beams we had salvaged. The beams came from a trailside information center we had spent all morning tearing down, and were riding the truck to help unload the beams where they could be stored until they are needed.

Research Update (Team BAG) April 3, 2015

I have found an interesting piece of information on ways to prevent invasive species from occurring.

First is, by volunteering to remove invasive species from natural areas which our team is eager to do at Hawk Mountain. Second, monitoring and reporting about new invasive species. Third way is by encouraging travelers, hikers, boaters etc. to not carry fruits, vegetables, plants and animals to other places as it can carry pests which might lead to introduction of invasive species. Fourth, homeowners should use certified weed free forage, fire wood, gravel, mulch and soil.

These are some of the ways to prevent the introduction of invasive species.


Hawk Mountain Trail Blazers (follow up) March 31, 2015

We as a team have been doing research on air pollution during the last week.  We found out some interesting information about how the air pollution affects birds and migratory paths.  This could really affect Hawk Mountain because they have a lot of rare species of birds and they need to keep them protected.  So if we do not take a stand as individuals the air pollution could get really out of hand and potentially create more endangered species of birds.

Action Dates Set (TEAM BAG) Mar 31, 2015

Hey everybody, We have got our dates set up for our Hawk mountain project (4/8/15 and 4/15/15). We are really excited to start our action and are hoping to have a large impact on the clearing of the Hawk Mountain Trails. It will be interesting to see just how many invasive plant and animal species we see while clearing out these trails.

Stay tuned for more information next Wednesday (April 8th)!

Team Ecosystem (3-31-15) – Research Update

Hey guys!

We finally set dates to start working on our project at Hawk Mountain. We are very excited to get started to help out in the community. We have be researching about how trash affects sea life and been finding interesting facts. One fact we found is that plastics can remain permanently in the organism’s gut or are excreted and sink to the sea floor.


Research Update (Team BAG) Mar 26, 2015

I have found some interesting information about invasive species and how they effect the environment. While it is well known that invasive species are harmful to the ecosystem they inhabit, we have only recently discovered that not all invasive species actually are harmful. Tomás Carlo, an assistant professor of biology at Penn State University, and Jason Gleditsch, a graduate student in the Department of Biology, have been researching whether or not invasive fruit bearing plants are helpful to the environment.

They researched the Honeysuckle plant, which I had no idea was invasive, and found that the amount of honeysuckle could accurately predict the number and diversity of birds within and even beyond the region. It seems as if the Honeysuckle plant and different Bird Species’ have formed a mutualistic relationship.

“”The abundance of fruit-eating birds in the Happy Valley region is linked to the abundance of honeysuckle,” Carlo explained. “Honeysuckle comprises more than half of all the fruits available in the landscape, and it benefits birds by providing them with a source of food in the fall. Meanwhile, birds benefit honeysuckle by dispersing the plant’s seeds across a wider geographical area, helping the species to occupy more and more territory in areas already affected by human activities.”


Initial Meeting With Hawk Mountain(Hawk Mountain Trail Blazers) March24 2015

On Saturday March 24 we had went to Hawk Mountain for our initial meeting with Ryan and the hawk mountain team. It was more of a seminar for the trailblazing and trail steward program that we would be involved in. We talked about all of the safety precautions we would take as well as the various tasks we could choose from. These ranged from trail clearing, gardening, and many others. We had discussed and he said he had the perfect project for us. It is working with timber. So we decided on the project and agreed on the date of Saturday April 11th.