Final Reflection and Presentation ( Squad) on December 11,2015

Reading Beautification Inc. EACAP – Squad

 On Friday, December 11th our team presented our environmental issue on Water Pollution and our service learning project with Reading Beautification Inc. During our presentation we discussed the causes  & effects of water pollution. We found that key water sources are being overdrawn or tainted with pollution and also that dirty water is the world’s biggest health risk. We also presented our finding about (RBI)  and the chance we got through working with (RBI) because We all share a common interest in helping out the environment and making it look like a better place to live in. We thought that the Reading Beautification Inc. would be a good project to work on because it would help improve an the environment near us.We were interesting in make an environmental look better because we all had shared an experiences at some point of our live’s where we saw a damage environment that needed cleaning and we saw this as a chance to better it . So we dedicated some of out time to cleaning along Trail called Union Canal Trail. We as a team Ultimately felt that this was a good experience and help open up our eyes to what is going on in the world as far as environment issues. 

Our Environmental Project Poster Broad

The Dam Team: Final Reflection & PPT presentation

After taking this class we have taken notice of how limited our resources are and how rapidly people are burning through them. Taking care of our environment should be a number one priority, but sadly many still continue to pollute our environment with garbage, chemicals and pollution. We did our EACAP project with Reading Beautification Inc. During the project we had to clean up Union Canal Trail in Stonecliffe Park. In the park we found a lot of trash such as diapers and beer bottles in mass quantities. This really opened our eyes to how bad the situation really is.  Garbage such as this destroys habitats for wildlife which in the long run has an effect on us. The main thing that we learned in this class is that it is not the number of people in the world, but the manner in which we choose to live, in order to sustain our environment for future generations we all need to work together to reduce our consumption of resources as well as take care of our environment by not polluting it. From our research project we learned that dams are very helpful but if we don’t take of them, then dams can effect the ecosystems tremendously.

The Dam Team PPT Presentation [click to open our presentation]

The Dam Team: 12/04/15 Presentation In Gaige

On Friday December 4, 2015 in Gaige building we had a table out where we created a poster about our EACAP project. In the poster we included information about our community service with Reading Beatification Inc. and our research project about positive and negative effects of dams. We had many people come to our table and they were intrigued by the information we found.

Confluence Point 12/5 Squad

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Walking to Dam


Painting done by community member



The Dam


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Old Skate Park


Looking down a drain


Picking up trash


Trail to the Dam