The Mambas still got this in the bag!

We had a zoom meeting today and helped each other out with our research report and PowerPoint! We discussed what we should discuss in our research report and PowerPoint. We miss working with each other in person! #thisvirusgotttaaagoooo!

“The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.” -Kobe Bryant

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The Mambas

Get creative with the Mambas! In this team, there are 4 students and our names are Karleya, Imoona, Stefan, and Khari. We are all students at Penn State’s Berks campus. We are all in our 2o’s, we all have a love for children, we love to travel and we are all family-oriented. We are excited to Rock Paint with the students and turn this project into something beautiful!

“Great things come from hard work and perseverance. NO excuses.” -Kobe Bryant.