Final Post

I all comes to an end. The Green To Extreme team finished up and presented Wednesday November 30th. We had a great experience with the project and look forward to the future and what it brings. Here is our presentation slides and some of our pictures on the service we did at Glenside Elementary. We put the birdhouses in the glenside garden and they look great. Some of our other birdhouses are being kept for the spring. Our research paper is finished and focused on food waste. Remember to eat what you can and put only what you can eat on your plate. Think, Save, Reduce.

Click on the link to see our presentation.


Our Community Event November 28th

Hi , Everyone Our Community Event has started for the green to extreme team. Please come out and see our research the we did. what we have on our board so far is sell by dates, best if used by dates, expired dates, and use by dates. We explain these in depth through our research. We also explain how a young girl produces very little waste and uses only a 12 oz mason jar for trash.  We have birdhouses that we created on display and our project. Her is our stand.our-project-environmental-science

Update on Service (Collab)

The Green to Extreme is at it again. We are continuing our progress on the project. We completed all of our birdhouses and hope to deliver them the week of December 3rd to Glenside Elementary. The Green to Extreme team has also been working on our research and creating a poster for our community event on the 28th of November. This event will help our team present ideas to the campus both during our normal class time and common hour. Common Hour is between 12:15- 1:15pm if you don’t know. Looking forward to seeing people there to show you our hard work/ determination. Some of the features our research entails include

  • Food Waste World Wide
  • Food Waste in Berks County and Other Surrounding Locations
  • Zero Waster Project- A young lady who fits all her trash in a 12 oz mason jar over a period of 2 years.
  • Our Plans on Helping the Environment
  • Food Waste Film Presented on November the 16th. This film included a couple who survived on only food waste for 6 months (half a year).

Here are some picture of our progress: There is more to come in later posts!




First Taste of Community Service (TrailBlazers) April 14th 2016

Last Friday (April 8th 2016) a member of our group went to the trail to help with the cleanup. We cleaned up bottles, plastic, and trash of all kinds that was scattered all over the place. It was honestly amazing the amount of trash that was making this beautiful area look so dirty and run down. The thing that blew my mind was how far down the trail people went to dump things such as an entire bathroom sink, tires, sheetrock etc. The group did find a rope swing over the river which did give some hope for this area being used for recreation against instead of dumping. The sheer amount of beer bottles littering the area was disgusting with broken class covering the trail making it hazardous for biker rider and regular pedestrians alike. I took some pictures of the trail to show the ups and the downs of it. Much of the area was covered in graffitti which took away the natural beauty of the nature.

Final Reflection for The “Bee” Team (April 29, 2016)

After working long hours with John Rost we have accomplished a lot and have come a far way. With the energy and motivation from all of our team members, we can all agree this was a very fun and useful project. We got to learn about all different types of flowers that attract bees and how vital bees are to the environment in order for pollination to occur. We learned a lot of information on Colony Collapse Disorder and how prevalent it is around the United States. All of our research was helpful to better understand the problems going on and how it is truly effecting the environment. We also learned a lot through our actual project and had a blast helping out John and we are very happy that our project was located on the Penn State campus so we can go back and see the progress that the garden has made. We learned that there are many obstacles when preforming projects like this. For example, the soil in the garden was very tough and there was a bunch of roots that got in the way while trying to plant our flowers. It made it very difficult to spread the flowers out like they should have been, so instead we just planted them closer together. It was really interesting to see our whole project from start to finish since we planted, fertalized, watered, and planted the seeds.

Summing Up Schuylkill River Project- Skook Squad (May 3, 2016)

As the semester is coming to an end, our group the Skook Squad would like to reflect on everything we did this semester. As a group, we chose to do the clean up on the Schuylkill River Trail. Honestly, we didn’t expect the service to be as much work as it actually turned out to be! There was a lot of trash on the trail and we put a lot of effort towards the clean up. Our powerpoint is on the bottom and thanks for a great semester!