PowerPoint and Final Post (Environmental Action Power Squad) 4/28

EACAP Project


This project has taught us so much about our actions and their effects on our planet. Even the smallest action has consequences. Learning about pollution as our research topic made us realize how widespread and serious the issue of pollution truly is. In order to change the path the world is on, individuals need to take action. The simplest decision, like to recycle instead of littering, can have an impact! It is so important to spread the word about what we have learned from Bi Sci, because the more people who make an effort to protect the environment the better. This is the Environmental Action Power Squad signing off!




Visiting the Farm (Environmental Action Power Squad) 4/7

A few weeks ago, we visited the farm and took some pictures of the different projects being completed there. We included pictures of the animals habitats being constructed, which will be the topic of one of our videos.


This is a bee hive


This is a bluebird box


First Meeting (Environmental Power Action Squad) 3/17

We met with our project supervisor for the first time. John Rost is helping the Sustainability Team with some projects on campus, including building animal habitats and creating compost from waste around campus. We toured the grounds with him and learned about the projects we will be covering in our videos for the Sustainability Team.

Research Topic (Environmental Action Power Squad) 2/29

We changed our research topic to pollution. We will be researching about different types of pollution and their effects on the environment, including air, water, and land pollution. We thought that the pollution is probably a concern of the Sustainability Team, which is who our project is with.