Earth Day Presentation | Team JADE | April 19, 2016

We presented our poster at today’s Earth day presentation. We talked to a lot of other students as well as professors about our project. They all seemed really interested in our project. We got a lot of compliments on our poster.



Team JADE Research and Meeting with Glenside 3/1/16

Team Jade met with our project coordinator, Mrs. Houck from Glenside Elementary school on Friday 2/26/16. We discussed our options for our projects. Our top choice for projects is planting plants for a classroom pet. We are still waiting to hear back from Mrs. Houck on what our project will be.

We are planning to contact John Ross from PSU Berks Horticulture and talk to him about what kind of plants will be best for the classrooms.

Our research topic we chose is how all concrete in the city affects heat and water runoff mass concrete in cities abroad.
