Final Reflection

Final EACAP Reflction — Nolde Forest

by Bird Feeders


The organization we worked with is the Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center. It is located at 2910 New Holland Rd Reading, PA 19607. The Supervisor of Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center is friendly and nice. She gives us a clear and detailed instruction for us to choose the program we want to join in. And we can easily reach her through the email and phone call which is very convincing for us to know more about the organization. The environmental education center provided us multiple options such as Activity Center, Citizen Science Project Feederwatch and Volunteer Clean Up Days. Unfortunately, the majority of events held by the environmental center are beginning at the second half of the year. For examplethe activity center provides us Nolde Forest Community Program Options for when: The first Sunday of the month Sept. Through Dec.1-4PM during the Nolde Mansion Open Houses. Or other big events like: Day of the Dead Oct. 28 5:30-8:30PM, Beginning Bird ID Nov. 21 1-3PM, Critter Creations Dec. 3 2-4PM. Due to the schedule limitwe only choose the Citizen Science Project Feeder Watch program. There are some specific requests for the Feederwatch program. It requires us to identify different kind of bird correctly base on the tools book. And we need to record the data of birds in a special way which is record how many bird show up at one time rather than how many birds we see.  The purpose of special methods of data recoding is to avoid recording the wrong data. I think there is an important request did not mention on the list which is patient. The feederwatch program request us to focus on tracking bird. We need to be patient to complete this program.

Zihao Ge: In the beginning, while we choose which project we want to go, I saw an organization called Nolde Forest and also work with Cornell University so I thought this service project will be more academically than others. However, after I started the service I realized that I can get more fun outside of the classroom. I really enjoyed the service time at the Nolde Forest, and this is my first time doing work outside of the campus. EACAP project not only let me have a deeper understanding of the changes in the environment and climate, and also let my own living environment has also changed. The EACAP project has expanded my social circle and circle of friends. During the activity, i can understand each other and trust each other with my team members. I also can meet many new friends while exchange opinions with other research groups. When we do the in-class presentation in the end of the semester, I was worried that the team performing the same activity might have a big similarity on the report. Facts have proved that my worries are superfluous. Everyone has different opinions and understandings, and even some service are totally different which surprised me.

Jingsong Ru: when I first see the EACAP project options, Nolde Forest was the first one that catches my eyes because I am huge fan of wildlife and environment. Throughout the semester, I have learned a lot about the forest and of course, the birds. I remember during the first meeting, I can barely tell the difference between a chickadee and a sparrow. All the birds are so tiny and so quick, I can barely follow them with my eyes. Things got better and better after few meetings, the people there were so genuine and patient, they taught me how to tell the difference of bird by the way they fly and eat and how to use a telescope. I really loved the environment, it was so peaceful. I also learned a lot of the environmental issues from the birds. Some of the birds moved from the north recently because of climate change. Such things also reminds me how important it is to protect the environment because humans are not the only specie on this planet. I really don’t want to see these beautiful birds are gone one day just because we didn’t do anything to protect the environment.

Peirong Ma: The feederwatch program really gives me a lot different and impressive experience. Due to the development of the industryI never have such opportunity to interact with the environment at my home country even though we learn plenty of interesting story about the natural. At the beginningI just thought the Nolde Forest would be some academically program to do some research like my friend Zihao Ge thought.  Howeverthis EACAP project is totally different from what we expected which bring us much more fun than what we expected too. At the beginning of the servicethe staff of Nolde Forest provide us a essential training to help us identify the different kind of bird base on three main characteristics which is appearancevoice and behavior. And we need to record the data of birds in a special way which is record how many bird show up at one time rather than how many birds we see.. During the activitywe saw a lot interesting interaction between birds. And the time I chasing bird really improve my ability of  concentration. This project really not only help me learn a lot knowledge but also help me know some new friends.


Yucheng Zhang: I think the Nolde Forest Project provided us a really great opportunity and chance to connect with the local environment and nature. Because we are from China, which has a different educational system, and at least during my 12 years learning experience at schools, whatever the elementary or middle school, I don’t have any activity or project like that. Therefore, we think this project is invaluable. I still remembered that I was excited when I saw some Dark-eyed Junco and made the new record on the sheet because the whole semester was so cold, like raining, and snowing, which directly led to a scenario that there are no birds sometimes except the chickadees and the woodpeckers. The data we collected would be delivered to the education center, which could be used to analyze the global warming effect, like some birds are belong to, for example, Boston area originally, but right now they migrate to Berks county due to the temperature changed and the extreme weather. Finally, the one pity is that we did not have the chance to analyze the data and relationship between number of birds and global warming by ourselves.

Nolde Forest Bird Watching Windy Day(3rd Meeting)

This week is pretty windy. However there are a lot birds hanging around even though there are still snow on the ground.

They added few new feeders this week.

These new feeders can prevent squirrels eat all the bird food.

A lot birds are hanging around, too bad that they don’t show very well on the camera.



New Discovery on the First Day


Members of show up:Yucheng (Xavier) Zhang, Peirong Ma, Zihao Ge

This is our first day, for three of us, officially start our work.

Zihao Ge (Left), Peirong Ma (Right)




We started at 12:40 PM, 2/12/2018. Peirong Ma and Zihao Ge are responsible for watching birds, and Yucheng (Xavier) Zhang responsible for recording the type of birds and the number of birds.


This is our working environment: one hall with two observation stations.

We were very excited because on the way of observation we found an increase in the number of birds and also found a new type of bird that others didn’t recorded.


Overall, most of time our attention was drawn to the fight between squirrels. They were good at steal the show.

Time track: We leave at 2:40 PM. Two hours total.

Nolde Forest

Bird feeders

We are the team that has common interest in observing the birds even though we did not know each other before.


Team members:

Peirong Ma: My name is peirong Ma.  I am the first year student in penn state berks . My major is finance .

Jingsong (Barry) Ru: Hi my name is Barry. I am a freshman and this is my second semester in Berks campus. I am undecided.

Yucheng (Xavier) Zhang: My name is Xavier and I come from China. I am the sophomore student in Penn State Berks and my major is Finance.

Zihao Ge: My name is Zihao Ge. I am Chinese and I was lived in New York. This is my first year in penn state, and my major is Finance.

Our schedule for doing the project will be on 1-3 pm on Wednesday.