Wow What Time!

EACAP Progress Log


Project Component

(service, research, report, in-class presentation, webpage, Earth Day presentation)

Date Time worked on the task


Description of task

(what was done? Ex: meetings, researched online, field work, etc.)

Team Member Involvement

(who was present and what did they do?)



In class 1/23/18 15 mins Talked about availability times, found the websites, and emailed Ms. Houck. Jasmine, Heather, Amanda discussed:


Amanda emailed


In class 1/25/18 20 mins Discussed what to discuss in meeting with principal. Jasmine, Heather, Amanda, and Hannah discussed


Out of class meeting 2/2/18 60 mins Meet with Ms. Houck and discussed an action plan for the project. Jasmine, Amanda, and Hannah met
In class 2/13/18 15 mins Worked on finding a topic for out paper  

Heather, Jasmine, Amanda, and Hannah Discussed


Out of class research





60 mins Started outline and found articles. Heather, Jasmine, Amanda, and Hannah talked

In class



100 mins Found more articles and finished outline. Heather and Jasmine
Outside of class


4/18/18 4 hours Volunteered at earth fest. Amanda, Hannah, and Jasmine
Outside of class


4/20/18 4 and a half hours Volunteers with firth graders from Glenside at their earth day event here at Penn state. Amanda, Hannah, Heather, and Jasmine

Outside of class

4/22/18 1 hour Laid and put spray on rocks in the garden at Glenside. Amanda, Hannah, Heather, and Jasmine




Flower Beauties Final reflection

ECAP Reflection

  For our service project The Flower Beauties had a different approach than most groups! We were originally supposed to work with Glenside Elementary and help them with their Garden Club and help them grow the program by planting flowers and interacting with the students. Flower Beauties were so excited as we went over for a meeting and met with the Vice Principal who helped us understand what we would be doing. From there, those of us who did not have our clearances went and got them in order to be able to work with the students. It was about a little more than halfway through the semester when Amanda got an email from Glenside saying the women who runs the Garden Club had to leave because of an emergency leave and the garden club would be canceled for this semester. From there, Amanda tried getting in contact with the Vice Principal to see if there was some other project The Flower Beauties could do at Glenside. It tooks weeks for her to get back to Amanda and she stated she actually was not at Glenside for the rest of the semester as she stepped in as the Principal at a different location. This became a little bit of a problem for our group, however thanks to Dr. Kazempour things ended up working out in our favor. Dr. Kazempour worked with us and did her best to find ways for us to make up our hours which was really helpful and gave us reassurance with our project.

  We then helped out at Earthfest on campus on April 18, 2018 and we helped promote the great events going on that day. We handed out pencils which had seeds to plant in them, raffle tickets, and spoke to students about the different stations in Perkins. One of our favorite stations at Earthfest was the plastic bottle greenhouse which consisted of recycled plastic bottles and bamboo, it was such a great concept!  Following that, on April 20th, 2018 we also helped out all day at The Earth Day Event which involved Glenside Elementary fifth grade students who came for the day to participate in activities here at Berks.We taught them all about our environment and ways to improve upon it and try to help them understand ways to make the environment a better place. Students were split into groups where we helped guide small ice-breaker activities with them and they also did rock painting and got a tour of the greenhouse on campus. This entire ECAP project really did open all of our eyes and helped us make changes in the environment. It really was a great feeling  to be able to inform the Glenside students on Earth Day and teach them about the environment. Seeing how excited they were and eager to learn about everything brought satisfaction to all of us, it felt like we were really making a difference. Regardless of the bumpy start that we had when beginning this project, The Flower Beauties are so grateful for the opportunity that we got to still be able to not only help the environment, learn more along the way but also being able to interact and teach students was a great growing opportunity for all of us. We think this all together turned out to be great, informative, and helpful to the environment in making these minor changes! We realized that everyone can have an impact on the environment even by making small changes every single day. Small changes can lead to huge improvements!

Flower Beauties + Earth Fest = HUGE success!

As mentioned in a previous post, Flower Beauties had a change in plans and instead of volunteering at Glenside for most of our time we ended up doing Earth Fest on Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Earth Fest featured different stations, activities, demonstrations, special events, prizes and a photo contest, from 10 am to 1:30 pm on the Perkins Lawn. The stations were staffed by students, Sustainability Team members and local organizations and they focused on saving bees, conservation internships, endocrine disruptors, the Schuylkill River Trail, Sierra Club, the Penn State Berks Center for Agricultural Sciences and Sustainable Environment, Berks League of Women Voters, biogas, plastic bottle greenhouses, addressing the spotted lantern fly, and other topics. A raffle-ticket drawing for eco-friendly prizes also took place at 1 pm. The prizes consisted of pencils which actually have seeds to plant once you use the pencil up, Vegan Friendly Candles, reusable bags, and mugs. It was a really great time to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and learn about different aspects of the environment. One of the coolest stations was building the green house. We got to build a small piece of it and none of us had ever done or seen anything like it before. The greenhouse consists of bamboo and plastic water and gatorade bottles! What a great idea. Overall, it was a beautiful day and the Flower Beauties loved getting to know more about this awesome world we all call home. We have attached some pictures as well.

Change of plans…

Hey all! Flower Beauties was so excited to go to Glenside to help the Garden Club, but recently there has been a slight change in plans.  We are no longer able to work with the garden club at Glenside due to an emergency with the person in charge of the garden club. We were a little disappointed to hear this but we have decided to try something else! Since we can no longer participate at Glenside, we ARE participating on April 20th for Earth Day at Berks!

Glenside Elementary is coming here on a field trip to learn all about the Earth while engaging in fun activities throughout the day. There will be a welcoming introduction, then it will move right into the activity of rock painting for the students. There will be tours to the greenhouse, located on campus across the street from the Janssen Center, and they will get to see all of the plants. They will also have a chance to learn more about the rocks and the Earth. We are super excited to still be able to work with Glenside Elementary students and help them learn more about the planet that they live on. We plan on encouraging them to do things that are eco-friendly while having fun and hopefully they take something home with them!! We are very excited!!!

Meeting and Discussion

We went and met Principal Houck on February 2nd, 2018. We got a tour of Glenside Elementary and she showed us where we would be planting flowers while there. Our group decided to work with the Garden Club to make the garden pretty with flowers and help with their expansion of their greenhouse once it gets warmer out (hopefully soon!) We are all really excited to make Glenside Elementary a beautiful spot for the Spring season.

Flower Beauties take on Glenside!

HI guys! Flower Beauties are made up of four college girls just trying to make Glenside Elementary school a more happier and beautiful place! When meeting with Assistant Principle Karen M. Houck we want to express our love for the environment by planting flowers. We believe that flowers can brighten students days and encourage them to keep the environment clean and beautiful, one flower at a time. We are still waiting to hear back from Ms. Houck on when we will have our first initial meeting at Glenside Elementary, but we are very excited!

Amanda Alpuche, a senior at Penn State Berks, is a Business Major and she is excited to be working with Glenside Elementary and making it a prettier scenery for the kids for this upcoming project! Heather Geist, a freshman at Penn State Berks studying early childhood education, is excited to be able to work with students and faculty to help make Glenside a more beautiful place! Hannah Kulp, who is a junior studying Rehabilitation and Human Services and Hannah can’t wait to help out the school and making it a prettier environment for the children. Jasmine Maldonado is a Senior at Penn State Berks studying Business! Jasmine is excited making a difference in the community and brighten up people days with flowers!