Been a great flight…

Hey gang it’s the Forest Followers,

The semester has slowly began coming to a close and we have finally gotten the opportunity to share our experiences over at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center with the rest of the campus. We had a presentation just last week in Gaige with the members of our team where we got to present not only our Project Feederwatch contributions, but also were able to talk about what we had written about for our research report on endangered species. We had a numerous amount of people stop by who were pleased with our results and it makes us feel really good to know that what we did had a positive impact on our environment. This Thursday our group is giving an in class presentation about our project and the research paper, and then afterwards that pretty much does it for our 2018 EACAP project. Super fun ride, and we had a blast being involved with Nolde Forest. Definitely would recommend this course to our friends!

Cam, Jake, Abdul, Scott

The Forest Followers on Project Feeder Watch

Hey all, just keeping everyone up to date with the progress that we have made so far. Over the past 2 months, all members of the Forest Followers have spent several hours a week to take part in the Project Feeder Watch at Nolde Forest. It has been very interesting to see how the different types of birds that show up to feeders and to see how the weather affects which birds show up.


Post #2

Hey gang, we are just checking in again and giving you guys an update. Things are flying very nicely we have received our bird watching training. We recently started our watching and it has been going great. From chickadees to woodpeckers to doves, we’ve seen it all. Our research that we gathered it going straight to the University of Cornell to help them study feeder birds in Eastern Pennsylvania. The days that we go in to watch are every other Monday and Tuesday from 9:30 AM-3:30 PM.Image result for nolde forest

Forest Followers

Hey we are the forest followers. Our group name was inspired by nature. Our group leader is Cam Rice. He is a sophomore majoring in communication and is looking to get his hands dirty, while watching some birds. Jake is a freshman and majoring in business finance and works at a zoo and wants to  bring his zoo knowledge to help out with the project and learn more about birds. Hoping with his degree he can open up a bird shop. Scott is a freshman and is undecided at the moment, but at the end of this project we hope he becomes and environmental science major. Abdul is a junior double majoring in IST and SRA and he has birds.

We have teamed up with Nolde Forest to help them analyze the local area of birds.  We are honored and excited to do whatever they ask us to do. We are meeting with the Nolde Forest staff on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1PM to 3PM. We are looking forward to better our environmental awareness.