Service Reflection

My teams overall experience at Nolde Forest was very interesting and fun at the same time. We all learned so much about the history of the park which was very cool. Rachel over at Nolde helped us out so much and had plenty of things for us to do so we were never just sitting around we really used our time wisely. One thing that we did was taking the recycling out to the right waste bin. They had a lot of paper that they had to recycle so we helped them out with that the first time we went and got all of that taken care of. We also helped cut out different projects for children camps over the summer such as the box turtles and also the day of the dead. We also picked up some trash whenever we saw that laying around which they were very appreciative of.  Another thing we did was raking leaves in the children play area because bee’s would make nests in the leaves which some of us were unaware of so by helping them out with that and getting those leaves out of there it would make it safer for kids to play. In the end, it was a very good experience and felt good to do something like that and volunteer and it also taught us a lot which we are all very grateful for.

Green Team Research

My group and I researched about deforestation. From volunteering at Nolde Forest we thought that learning about deforestation was sort of fitting. We learned about many things while researching this topic which include what deforestation actually is and why it is happening, the possible causes, consequences, solutions, and finally examples in everyday life. It was very interesting to learn about and we all gained a lot of knowledge from it and we all think that there needs to be more done to help this issue. Below is a picture of our poster board at last Thursday’s community awareness event where we went into detail about deforestation.

Nolde Forest 3/28/18

My team and I went over to Nolde forest to continue our volunteer work. We were busy helping them out by doing a bunch of different things. We were cutting out the paper turtles for a summer class that they have for children. We also set up a whole new set of binders about water resource that Nolde gives out to instructors. Finally, we also took out all of the recycling that they had in the basement.

Volunteer Work 3/19/18

Today my group went over to Nolde Forest for several hours to volunteer and help with what they needed. This was our first official time going over to Nolde and volunteering because the other time we went it was just to meet Mrs. Baur and she explained to us what we will be doing exactly. Some of the things that we were helping out with was cleaning out old binders and recycling the paper, raking leaves from the children park area, cutting out papers for Nolde Forest’s children activities that will take place throughout the spring and summer.

Nolde Forset 2/12/18

Hello. Yesterday my group met with Rachel Baur from Nolde Forest. She just went over some of the history about Nolde and how the DCNR acquired the land that park is on now. She told us that we will be mostly raking up leaves in the kid play area to help prevent ticks and possible bee nests. We will also be trimming branches on walking trails so that people do not trip and fall and things like that. Rachel also showed us the tool shed and showed us some of the tools that we will be using to help clear the debris from around the park.


2018 Clean Up Crew

To start I am Eric DeLellis, I’m a sophomore at Penn State Berks. I am also from Aston,PA which is located in Delaware county. I like the environment because I love to do stuff outside. My name is Kenny Keene and I am also a sophomore at Penn State Berks. I am from Ridley, but grew up in Prospect Park, PA which is located right outside of Philadelphia. I like being outdoors because I hate being inside and I like seeing and exploring new things.  My name is Calen Reigner and I’m a sophomore at Penn State Berks.  I am from Elizabethville which is north of Harrisburg.  Where I live is a very rural area so I enjoy being in the outdoors.  I am really big into hunting and fishing and belong to the National Turkey Federation and I do projects with them. My name is Paul Snyder and I am a sophomore at Penn State Berks. I am from Muhlenberg which is from Reading. I enjoy going outside and playing basketball with my friend on a nice warm day. I really like to recycle and help out where I can to protect our environment. We are working with Nolde Forest doing volunteer work on Monday’s and Wednesday’s.