Final reflection – elina fantilli

  1. I really enjoyed volunteering at nolde an attempt to find turtles these past few weeks. And was very nice to be surrounded by the forest and walk around and that peaceful environment. There were some challenges we had to face as a group when it came to timing, collaborative work, and finding the turtles. However, overcoming these events I believe has taught my group and myself included the patience and the amount of hard work that goes into keeping up with a state park the size of nolde. It was very great getting to know some of the workers at nolde and it was even better knowing that we are doing something good for the historical records of turtles and the environment. I will definitely be coming back to this park over the summer and the following months to hike.

My final hike for turtles -elina fantilli

On Thursday April 26th 2018, I went for a hike to look for turtles. I was told by one of the Rangers there that there were indeed Turtles out that day by the turtle pond. I made sure to make it my priority to get there as soon as possible to get a glimpse of them. I was hoping to see them out and about walking on land, but unfortunately they were all in the water, some of them picked their head out of the water a few times but a few managed to come up to the surface a little bit and I was able to capture a picture of them. Overall that day was successful in my eyes for this was the first time in this project that I finally got to see an actual turtle.

Reflection Post- Tessa Caltagirone

I had a great experience with this class and loved the volunteer work. I volunteered with my group at Nolde Forest and we were in search of turtles. My group went to Nolde for the first two days together and we learned about different types of turtles and how and what to do if we find one. I went to Nolde three times and spent about two hours each time hiking the trails and looking for turtles. I even went to the painted turtle pond and thought there would be some turtles sun bathing on the wooden logs but unfortunately I did not find any turtles throughout my trips to Nolde Forest. I searched in the leaves and a little off the trail but did not see any turtles. I also, went on different days of the week and at different times along with a change of weather. I found it very interesting to learn about the different types of turtles and what their markings mean. However, I did find many other animals and got to see other things in nature, jut no turtles. I love being outdoors and hiking, therefore this volunteer work was the best for me. I would recommend this course and this volunteer work to anyone. I hope that one day, if I go back to Nolde Forest that I will find a turtle.

Another Day at Nolde…Still No Turtles, By: Tessa Caltagirone

On Thursday April 19th, 2018 I went to Nolde for my last few hours of volunteer work to search for turtles. I went from 2:00-4:00 p.m and hiked to the “Painted Turtle Pond” and through “Owl Loop Trail”. Earlier that day it did rain but it cleared up by the time I went to hike around. Unfortunately, throughout my visits there I did not find any turtles. I did enjoy being outside and appreciating nature.

Earlier that morning on April 19th, my group presented our project in the Gaige lobby and talked about the research and volunteer parts of our project. I think our poster and powerpoint turned out beautifully and it seemed like people really did like hearing about the research we did and what our volunteer work was all about.

Below is a picture of our presentation in the Gaige lobby. 

ECAP Project

Our research project was about beach pollution. It was very eye opening to learn how the humans impact the aquatic environment and the results it may have. One thing we learned from this project was that we take every day plastic objects for granted when in return they end up hurting us and the environment in the long run.

Our volunteering hours were done with Nolde Forrest in search of turtles. Unfortunately we have yet to find one. However, we try to clean the trails of trash as well walk.

– elina fantilli

Turtle Hunting by Tessa Caltagirone

At the beginning of this project my group spent two hours at Nolde Forrest with two different park rangers (on different days) on exactly what we were to do while searching for turtles. We learned about the different types of turtles that may be at Nolde. Also, we were informed about what the markings on the turtle’s backs mean. We were also shown how to exactly handle a turtle if we see one.

On April 10th I went to Nolde Forrest in search of turtles. On Monday, April 10th I did not expect to see any turtles because it was still chilly out and even snowed a little bit the day before. I even hiked to the “Painted Turtle Pond” in hope of finding at least one turtle. Sadly, there were no turtles to be found that day. I was there from 1:30-4:00 p.m and went on multiple trails and moved some leaves with my feet but did not find any turtles. I did however, find a frog, tadpoles, birds, and even empty beer cans throughout my hike.

On April 12th I went back to Nolde Forrest and tried my same route while also adding in another trail (“Owl Loop Trail”) and went at a different time of the day (12:15-2:45 p.m) hoping turtles would be out this time.This day was warmer and the sun was in and out more throughout the day. I was more hopeful of finding a turtle this time due to the change in weather. Unfortunately, no turtles were spotted this day either. However, the weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day for a hike.

In search of turtles at Nolde

On April 4th I went on a hike at Nolde Forest in search of turtles. I started around 4:30 pm and got done at 6 pm. When beginning this hike I was not optimistic to find a turtle. During training we were told we would be lucky if we came across one. However, in the back of my mind, I kept thinking of how awesome it would be if we did find a turtle. We would need to take measurements of the turtle from different angles as well as pictures. While walking around and looking under bridges, shrubs, rocks and in the water I was beginning to see how much trash was laying around in this area. I happened to have a plastic bag in my jacket and begin to pick up the random pieces of trash I found ( I figured since I cannot seem to find a turtle I might as well help the park and clean some trash up). Here are some of my results:                                                                                                                                                                  … This is the trash I collected while walking the Watershed and Boulevard trails. Unfortunately no turtles were found that day 🙁

Safety Meeting

On February 12, 2018 at 4pm, we met with our organization, Nolde Forest, to discuss our project and safety measures. Our organization leader, Rachel Baur, began with the history of Nolde Forest and how it came to be. She then discussed with us our project opportunities where we decided to clean up the trails and rake leaves in the play area. We also learned how to be safe during our time volunteering and how to get the most out of it.


We are the Clean-up Crew and we will be helping Nolde forest clear their trails from litter and debris. We are so ecstatic to be working with this organization and help better the environment. Our partners are Austin Pepper, Tessa Caltagirone, Sara Detrick, and Elina Fantili. We are all business majors at the Pennsylvania State University Berks Campus. About our individual selves, I am Austin Pepper and I enjoy shopping and traveling. I’m Sara Detrick and I love baking. I am Tessa Caltagirone and I like to play tennis and go shopping. I am Elina Fantili and I love dogs. This is our team!