Reflection on EACAP Project

The Wild Hogs worked throughout the semester to plan and complete a service project for Glenside Elementary School. We choose to assemble a greenhouse that they had purchased. We also got to work with another group to build the greenhouse which was a huge help. The greenhouse turned out amazing and our group was so happy that we had the opportunity to build it. We hope that the students can benefit from it and learn something new.  Something everyone in our group gained throughout this project was new friendships. By completing the service project we also gained new skills when it comes to working with a group. One thing that was discussed and talked about as a group is how open to volunteers not only Glenside is, but how open every organization that was worked with throughout our class is to volunteers. We hope that future groups that take BISC 3 get the chance to feel the same accomplishment that our group did after completing our service project for Glenside. One message that our group would tell others is, don’t be afraid to take on a challenging task because the risk is worth the reward.

Planting Can Begin!

Greetings everyone,

Recently the Wild Hogs and The Three Planteers built the greenhouse at Glenside Elementary School. We started on Saturday around 8 a.m. and worked all day to 5 p.m. to complete the entire greenhouse. Having The Three Planteers there was a big help. Our group will admit we spent more time on the project then we had anticipated. Ms. Houck was also at the school that day working in the office but she made sure to check in on us periodically throughout the day to  make sure we were alright and asked if we needed anything. Our group was happy to get the greenhouse built so that the students there can be able to utilize it. Hopefully they will be able to learn about how plants grow and the processes it takes to make a plant grow. The greenhouse was well built and hopefully it will last for years to come. As a group we hope to be able to come back to Glenside 10-20 years from now and see the same greenhouse that we built and feel accomplished for having the opportunity to be able to be a part of building it.


Spring is in the Air

Greetings from the Wild Hogs. It’s the third day of spring and it looks as if winter never left due to the 8 inches of snow laying all across campus. The Wild Hogs have been working with Ms. Houck from Glenside Elementary School over the last month to decided on a project that would best suit the school. Initially we were going to mulch some of the islands of grass that are located in the school parking lot, but due to unknown weather patterns and the time of year Ms. Houck suggested that we not do that. She then suggested that we help construct the new greenhouse that the school recently purchased. We thought this was great for our group because we like to be hands on. We are partnering up with another group to build the greenhouse. We are planning on building the greenhouse in early April, when hopefully it will be a little warmer and there will be no snow on the ground. We have also started to work on our research project. We are researching fracking in the United States and how it relates to the environment.

Wild Hogs take on Birdhouses

Welcome to Wild Hogs. Our team includes Trent, Zach, Angel, and Korey.

Here is a little information about each group member. My name is Trent Goss and I am a sophomore student studying Agribusiness management. My name is Zach Holley and I am a sophomore studying in Business Marketing Management. My name is Angel Suarez and I am a Junior with a major in communications. My name is Korey Brickel and I am a Junior with a major in Business Marketing Management. We are working with Glenside Elementary school helping them build birdhouses and helping them make new or redo old gardens.

Pictured are the members of the Wild Hog team