Wheels in Motion


We, at the World Changers, have started working on our Video for the relationship between Glenside and Berks. We received some images for the video from Vice Principal of Glenside, Ms Houck, and we are making plans to set up an interview with her and other groups working on Glenside. The crazy snow days have set us back but we are the determined to propel this project forward!

Here are a few beautiful images Ms. Houck sent us.

-The World Changers Group

Our Game Plan

Hello Everyone,

We, from the World Changers group, are going to be working with Ms. Houck, Vice Principal of Glenside Elementary, to create an iMovie video. Our Video will portray the work of other groups in the EACAP project who are also working with Glenside Elementary. Our aim is to showcase the hard work and dedication of other students, the passion of helping out the community, the amazing relationship between Penn State Berks and Glenside, and the beautiful Glenside Elementary.


We aim to have work hard to create an inspiring and informative video. If you would like your group to be featured in the video, please leave a comment in the post, and we will contact you. We will also be approaching Glenside groups in the class so we can collaborate.

We are looking forward to an amazing semester.

-The World Changers.

Hello World, We’re the World Changers

Hello World, We’re the World Changers and we want to change the World.

We are a team of four students. We have two sophomores and two freshmen at Penn State Berks. Our team leader is Ifeoluwa Ogunyinka. ‘Ife’ for short. She is a freshman in the Journalism major and loves to write and create.

Xiaoyu Yan, aka Skye, is a sophomore in the Advertising Major from China. She lives off-campus and she loves movies and music!

Hansong Che, aka Simon, is a sophomore in the Management Major also from China. He plays the guitar and drums.

Jianxiang Gao, aka Jeremy, is a freshman, business major. He live on campus. He play soccer

We are goint to work with with Glenside Elementary School to create an iMovie video. We plan to meet them on Thursday, Jan 25 to discuss our project. We are looking forward to having fun and supporting the environmental relationship between Glenside and Penn State Berks. WE ARE PENN STATE!