B. Hive Reflection

Reflection Report

This project was an eye opener for all of us, we all enjoyed working together and learning new things. When I first started this project with Berks Nature, I thought it was going to be hard, there was a lot of steps we had to take to test the water. I never knew that all of these tests were done to make sure the water is in good shape. I actually enjoyed testing the water, it was a different type of experience for me. I never thought I would learn how to test the water and be able to document the information for the world to see. I’m glad I got to work with my group members in helping the environment.


When starting this project with Berks Nature, I never imagined having such a big impact and learning experience with this service project. I learned about how to properly test waters for different nutrients and chemicals. Although I didn’t have that much interest in the recording of the measurements, I found it valuable to know these steps and how valuable it was to have the readings recorded so that other scientist can use it to better our water quality! It was a new understanding of the topic of water conservation. Specially after being raised near the ocean, I can now incorporate my experience and knowledge into making smarter decisions and trying to educate my friends and family on the subject as well. It was definitely one of a kind experience that I will carry with me forever.


Completing this project was not like anything I’ve ever done before. Since we were able to physically get involved in the health of our community, the information that we learned was much more meaningful and impactful. I really enjoyed doing this project.



Presentation in Gaige Lobby

It was so great to not only present our research to our peers but also to learn about the service that they did for the community. For this presentation, we posted information that we have learned throughout the process of completing this project. We also provided multiple demonstrations for anyone who visited our table because we put the components of our water testing kit on display. It was very interesting to learn about the various topics that the other groups explored, and it was fun teaching others about what our group learned.

Water Testing in B.(erks) County!!

Scientist for a Day!

On April 10th, our group got to visit three different locations in Berks County and got the opportunity to test the water quality in our own backyard. Starting with Tulpehocken creek, then the Maiden creek, and lastly the Willow creek, we tested for the presence of many nutrients and chemicals. Among them, pH, conductivity, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrates. Recording of these measurements are documented in a special data entry app for Berks Nature that can be accessed by fellow environmentalist and even NASA! We had so much fun looking at the results and comparing the different creeks. For example, Willow creek had a higher phosphate reading because it was abundant with algae, in contrast with Maiden and Tulpenhocken creek. This was a unique experience that will have a permanent impact in our environmental science studies and broadens our understanding of our own waters. This also educated us on what we can do to maintain our waters healthy and mainly keep them clean; not only in physical waste, but as well as the chemicals and invasive items we might introduce to our hydro environment.

Our Day at Berks Nature


Hello everyone,

On Friday, February 22, 2019, our group went to Berks Nature to learn about how we will be testing the different types of water. We learned how to test phosphate, nitrate, dissolve oxygen, pH level, alkalinity, etc. We did not realize we had to take so many steps to get the most accurate results. We have to be very careful and make sure we do everything correctly. Doing this project is very important because our data is used globally, even NASA uses it. We can not wait to go out on our own and test the different types of water.

We are B. Hive, Excited for the H2yo!

Mackenzie Rice, Karla Cruz, An’Yea Sams (left to right)

Our team aims to help the quality of the water here at our own home, Berks County! That’s why our name is B. Hive, B for Berks. Our members are Karla Cruz, the president of this group and a hospitality management major. She will make sure to contact the organization leaders and keep track of emails and communication. The vice president is An’Yea Sams, she is a communications major and she will help us with organization and prep/planning. Our executive secretary is Mackenzie Rice, an applied psychology major and she will maintain our progress in a log and is responsible of taking any notes. We are looking forward to learning new ways to improve water quality throughout Reading. We will be working with the other teams in our class as well, to help the overall condition of our waters. We are excited to see what we can contribute to our society.