Cool Guys Out :(

Today was the last day of class for The Cewl Guys 101.

Overall we had a great time being apart of the Trimatis Team.

We were team implementation and we were to collect the material fro other teams to produce data. We went to target and bought 2 trash cans and strategically placed them in Gaige technology building. We placed one can near the main entrance and the secondĀ  near the stair going upstairs at the far end of Gaige. Once we placed the cans our main job was complete. The other part of the project was blast fishing research, and we found many interesting thing doing that. All msot important, blast fishing is illegal!!

The second thing we did was we collected boxes for placement in different classrooms in Gaige to collect scrap from 3D printing. Basically this gave of something to do since our implementation was complete.

Thanks for letting us be apart of the class and have a great time as a class and a team.

Thanks again,

Daniel, Angus, Dorian, Kevin

Welcoming the Cewl guys 101

We are the Cewl Guys 101!!!!!

We got….

Daniel Althouse- Film/Video Major

Kevin Bonmer- Professional Writing

Angus Smith- Computer Science

Dorian Edsall- Security Risk Analysis

We are working with Dr. Scanlon on TrimatisĀ which is basically taking bottles and making 3D printing material to make things!!!!

We are looking forward to making bottles into 3D printer material and getting to have free use of a 3D printer.

Most importantly getting a good grade!!!
