Service Learning Report


I personally enjoyed this project and learned a lot about overpopulation and the consequences that can come from it, but that there’s always a solution to the problem. As an Elementary Education Major, I really loved working with the kids and being able to see them interact with each other, their student teachers, and us throughout the time we were with them. They were out of their comfort zones being at our school instead of theirs, but they were really good and funny to talk to. It was fun to work with the team and Professor Kazempour in coming up with ideas on what to do with the kids as well as working with each other in preparing for their arrival. I really enjoyed this project and I’m glad I did it.

Janique Jules

I have immensely enjoyed my time working with Professor Kazempour and the girls of Glenside Gives Back. I feel that we not only became environmentally sound during our project but we also got a chance to explain to the youth as to why it is important for us to conserve our earth and what importance our earth has on our lives. Getting a chance to see how they react and how they enjoyed what we had planned for them was something that was extremely satisfying. In addition, I thought seeing how they enjoyed going to college and how they felt touring the campus was pretty cool as well. I also enjoyed as a Lion Ambassador having the opportunity to go on tour with the kids and see how they were in love with the idea was also cool because as a college student you sometimes dont realize how much fun college seems to other people. Overall I think it was a great experience and I hope to be able to do it again.


Amanda Oliveira

This project has overall been such a success and great experience. Getting a chance to speak to the children of Glenside Elementary was so nice because when I was their age I never got the opportunity to do something like this. We got a chance to get closer to some of the kids, and to see how they picture the world is so much more different than how I did when I was in 5th grade. They are exposed to so many things that I wasn’t, and being able to influence them in such a positive way make me happy. My team members were so great throughout the whole process of this project and worked together efficiently to get things done thoroughly.  I would like to thank Professor Kazempour for giving us this opportunity and guiding us through it all. I hope that Penn State Berks continues to go on with this EACAP project so that we can keep spreading our knowledge and making a difference slowly.


Lily Young

I really enjoyed doing the EACAP project and I am very glad that I was able to be a part of the Glenside visit. It was amazing how the kids were able to come and learn about our environment and ways to conserve energy. I think it is so important to bring awareness to the younger generation so they can become knowledgeable on this topic. I know when I was in elementary school and even middle school I never experienced a day like this entirely dedicated to environmental awareness. The children were so cute and it was great to see them so excited, really taking all of the information in. I thought the tour of the school and greenhouse was neat as well, and I was even able to learn alot from that experience. To be a part of this process from start to finish was really great, and I enjoyed working with Professor Kazempour and the girls in our group. The EACAP project not only impacted our class in a positive way, but the community as a whole.

Our EACAP Experience

Glenside Gives back had an amazing time working with Professor Kazempour and the children of Glenside in order to better the environment. We can all say that this project has definitely encouraged us to do more for our environment. In addition, our learning about overpopulation for our research report also helped us because many of the things we learned for our research report we had no previous knowledge of. We hope that with our project that we can encourage others to encourage the youth to take a caring to our environment, since they are the next generation to make a change. In addition, we would all love to have another opportunity to work with our youth in order to better our environment. 

EACAP Gaige Day

Last week, we presented our projects in the Gaige lobby where we got to inform others on the Glenside Gives Back EACAP project. We had a great time having people visit our table and ask us about our project. We felt that not only did we impact Glenside, but we also encouraged the student body to become active in a project alike Glenside in the future. We also got a chance to see our peers amazing projects and see what they did for their service projects. It was overall a great experience.

EACAP project day

EACAP day was a success! We made bird feeders with the students and they seemed to really enjoy it. Glenside Gives Back really enjoyed being able to help out Glenside Elementary School when making bird feeders and showing them around campus. This was such a great experience because it is important to reach out to the younger generation to teach them the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. In addition we got to spend quality time with the students which we believe made an impact on even their personal lives, being able to experience how college is first hand. We had an amazing time working along with Professor Kazempour and we hope to do it again.

Meeting with Professor Kazempour

This week our group got a chance to meet with Professor Kazempour to discuss how we will begin to approach our EACAP project. We went over the schedule that was previously used for the Glenside visit, and we discussed how we will approach the project this semester. We also discussed some potential crafts and activites that we can do during the day of the visit, and some ways where we can all put in som of our hours towards the project. We are all very excited to further work with Professor Kazempour with this project!

We Are….Glenside Gives Back

We are Team Glenside Gives Back (GGB)! We consist of four people, Casey Clark, Lily Young, Janique Jules and Amanda Oliveira. Here’s a little bit about each of us.

Casey Clark:

My name is Casey Clark, and I’m a sophomore here at Berks. I’m majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Special Education.

Lily Young:

My name is Lily Young and I am a sophomore this year at Berks. I am majoring in Rehabilitation and Human Services.

Janique Jules:

My name is Ja’nique Jules and I am a Freshman this year at Berks! I am majoring in Communications and Political Science and possibly minoring in Spanish.

Amanda Oliveira:

My name is Amanda Oliveira, I am currently a Freshman at Penn State Berks. I am majoring in Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHS) and minoring in Psychology.


We will be working together with Professor Kazempour to share the importance our environment and keeping our communities clean to our youth. We are looking forward to sharing our ideas and getting involved with the community. In addition we are excited to be able to work with Professor Kazempour and Glenside Elementary School in order to have this project be a success.