FLOWER POWER 2024 #CleanUpBlueMarsh!

Members (left to right)

Chanvir Bhandal: My name is Chanvir and I am a first-year Finance major. My hometown is in Ephrata so I commute to school. I play volleyball on the berks club team and I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends and family.

Karl Karanjia: I am a second-year student going to University Park, My Hobbies include Formula One & soccer I enjoy hanging out with my friends and traveling.

Vyom Pavsiya: My name is Vyon and I am a second-year Finance major. My hometown is in India so I am an international student. I play badminton on the berks club team and I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends and family.

Malali Desai: I am a second year finance major. My hometown is Parsippany, New Jersey. My hobbies include listening to music and spending time with my family


Our team collaborated with Blue Marsh Lake, located in Reading, PA, to raise awareness about the significant trash buildup in the area. The accumulation of trash at Blue Marsh poses a pressing challenge, impacting both the environment and visitor experience. We were tasked to pick up the trash near the roadways and on the bridge. We were provided with gloves, trash bags & trash pickers and were assigned an area each time we went, it required substantial time and effort to get as much trash as we possibly could from small things such as cigarette buds to heavy bolts and metal from cars passing by.  Our team’s goal was to improve the area and ensure a clean and enjoyable recreational space for all. 


Service Video Presentation


Plastic pollution is a big deal everywhere. It’s all about plastic waste messing up our environment, from our own neighborhoods to the whole planet. This happens because we use a ton of single-use plastic stuff, don’t manage our trash properly, and many folks don’t even know how bad it is.

The consequences are serious: animals get hurt or die from eating or getting stuck in plastic, and nature suffers too.

But there’s hope! We can fix this by using less single-use plastic, managing our trash better, and spreading the word about how important it is. Governments and businesses can help by finding better packaging options and making rules to cut down on plastic use.

This isn’t just about the environment; it’s also linked to big goals for making the world better, like keeping life in the oceans and on land healthy, and being smarter about what we use and throw away. So, by tackling plastic pollution, we’re making a big step towards a cleaner, greener future for everyone.


bisci 3 presentation


Overall, we had a great time working on this project. Despite the serious nature of the issue, collaborating to tackle plastic pollution was fulfilling and rewarding. It felt good to be part of a team wanting to make a positive impact on our environment.. Working together towards a common goal was not only productive but also enjoyable, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to combat plastic pollution in the future.