First Meeting For Food Avengers

On Monday March 23, we had our first Food Recovery Network Meeting.

Out of the group I was the only one able to attend. In the first meeting the two leaders, Rachel and Karissa had discussed with Dr. Kazempour, if they had wanted to make FRN a chapter here at Penn State Berks, or if they had only wanted to make it a challenge for this semester. The decision for now was to start a chapter here at Berks. During the discussion the basics was just start to gathering data and information on the FRN itself and start to think of ways that we could really help out or to think about questions we could ask on a survey or interview. We asked questions like “Should we start a Facebook?” or “Should we try to start a food garden here?”. Focusing on the Food Avengers Dr. Kazempour has suggested that we do the observation proto call where we should find out exactly what we are observing and then try to execute it with making a chart, go observing in places, like our cafeteria, Tully’s, and see how often/ how much food is wasted there.

I’m excited to get started working with my group to make the observation proto call and putting it into action so that we can start saving some food!

Food Avengers

Hi guys! So our group has come up with the name of Food Avengers.

Caterin Zabala: Cat is currently a junior. She is majoring in Business Management. She decided to take BiSci because she wanted to be aware of the problems that are happening in the environment and wanted a chance to help her community.

Olivia Johnson: Olive is a freshman majoring in English/History. Her hometown in Cheltedhom, PA. She is extremely interested in BIsci.

Jakin Lett: Professional Writing major. Really excited to involve himself in the FRN because it will give him the chance to help his community.

Brianna Varano: Currently, a sophomore and is from Philadelphia, PA. She is majoring in communications. She wanted to know more about how humanity is affecting the environment.

Manvi Chopra: Currently a senior majoring in business management/marketing. FRN will be a great way to give back to the community and get everyone involved.


Food Recovery

Hey guys! so our group has Cat, Jakim, Olivia, and Bri! We really hope to take this effort and make it into something that can help the community. This will be an amazing contribution and we all are extremely motivated to make this fun and also really helpful. We also hope our efforts help progress this project and others decide to take part and help!