Marvel’s final post on May 2, 2015

It’s been a great semester, and thank you for following our posts throughout the semester, and a special thank you to our Professor Kazempour for giving us an opportunity to work on our research project- E-waste and volunteer at Blue Marsh Lake.
On April 26, we had our class presentation to show the class what we had done with our research on E-waste and our progress with Blue Marsh Lake. It’s been a fun experience, and we gained environmental awareness from our project and we are proud of our contribution to the community.
Even though the semester has ended, we won’t stop saving our environment, and hopefully you have gained some insight from following our posts and the other teams’. Remember, we only have one Earth, and it’s our job to save it. Go Sustainability!!!

Team Marvels.

Yvonne, Bruce, Lili, Maggie

Marvel’s last day at Blue Marsh on April 18,2015

Morning gathering, waiting to assign roles.


Visitor Center view, while we are waiting to assign roles.

We need to pick up trash along the sideway.


Blue Marsh view on a sunny Saturday morning.


This picture shows me picking up trash


Another picture of me.


Our group.


Lili and Bruce.


Our group again.

After Saturday at Blue Marsh Lake, I found something interesting, and upsetting. Most of the trash we got are cigarette, beverage bottles and plastic package for snacks. I encourage visitors to take care of our environment by stop littering.

Marvel’s Preparing pamphlet for The New Group on April 13th

This Friday, we met Kathy as our third meeting. Because of it’s a rainy day again, Kathy let us stay inside the room and help her preparing pamphlet package for the next new group.


Putting every pamphlet into the bag

After we finishing the pamphlet package, the rain stopped. Then we finished the rest of trail rope. Now we are much more familiar to do this work than last time!!


Completing the last part of trail ropes


Overview of the new trail rope 🙂



Tour in the Control Tower of Blue Marsh Lake on April 7

Last Friday we met with Kathy for our second meeting. By the time we got there, it was pouring and we were unable to work in the garden. Then, Kathy introduced us a manager of the control tower of Blue Marsh Lake. He taught us a history lesson about Blue March Lake and shows us how the control tower works and how he is able to control  the water level of the lake.

The manager

The manager

The control tower

The control tower

Showing us how the control tower works

Showing us how the control tower works

The size of the gate

The size of the gate

Showing us how the gate works

Showing us how the gate works

Spiral stair

Spiral stair


Power switch for the gate

Power switch for the gate

The pillar of the gate

The pillar of the gate

Different water level's water

Different water level’s water

After the tour of the control tower, the rain stopped. We picked up tools and went to the Sensory Traiil to fix the broken trail rope. It required teamwork!!!

Untie the rope to tie a new one

Untie the rope to tie a new one

Tightening the rope

Tightening the rope










Use lighter to melt the rope

Use lighter to melt the rope so it will be firm






















Marvels’ First Meeting at Blue Marsh on March 20th

This Friday we met with Hallie for the first time in the Ranger Station at the Blue Marsh Lake! Kathy then gave us a tour of the Sensory Garden Trail and showed us what will be working on. Our tasks will include some minor repairs along the trails, cleaning up dead vegetation, and generally sprucing up some areas of the trail.

Overlooking the lake

Overlooking the lake

The Visitor Center overlookinng Blue March Lake

One of the gardens we will be working on cleaning up

Another of the gardens we will be working on

Our groups touring the area

The dam

The start of the Sensory Trail

Map of the Sensory Trail

Kathy showing us the first display on the Sensory Trail

Another of the displays on the trail

A station on the trail where visitors can reach inside the holes and literally “feel nature”

Each station targets a different sense. There’s a station each for seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching. The “see” station is designed with visually appealing plants. The hearing station attracts birds so visitors can listen to their calls. The smell station contains pleasantly smelling plants. The touching station is filled with plants stimulating to touch, such as soft, prickly, and smooth plants.

Marvels’ introduction, March 7, 2015

Our group name is the Marvels. Our group members are: Bruce, Lili, Maggie, and Yvonne. Bruce and Yvonne are both Sophomores majoring in Finance and transfering to University Park next semester. Maggie and Lili are both Freshman in their second semesters; Maggie is majoring in Communications and Lili in Accounting. Our project is about electronic waste and ways to recycle it to help the planet. For our EACAP project, we are working with Blue Marsh Mountain to assist with their garden clean-up.