Marvel’s final post on May 2, 2015

It’s been a great semester, and thank you for following our posts throughout the semester, and a special thank you to our Professor Kazempour for giving us an opportunity to work on our research project- E-waste and volunteer at Blue Marsh Lake.
On April 26, we had our class presentation to show the class what we had done with our research on E-waste and our progress with Blue Marsh Lake. It’s been a fun experience, and we gained environmental awareness from our project and we are proud of our contribution to the community.
Even though the semester has ended, we won’t stop saving our environment, and hopefully you have gained some insight from following our posts and the other teams’. Remember, we only have one Earth, and it’s our job to save it. Go Sustainability!!!

Team Marvels.

Yvonne, Bruce, Lili, Maggie

Hawk Mountain Trail Blazers

To wrap things up for this project we as a team would like to say we gained so much awareness through this project.  We have learned so much about how to keep our environment healthy for us and all the rest on the earth.  Something we would like to say to everyone is that even though you may feel like you don’t mean anything to the earth, you do.  Everyone needs to take their own step in helping keep the earth clean.  Through working with Hawk Mountain they have really helped us realize it takes everyone to keep a clean and safe environment.  We hope that our project can reach out to people that do not have any awareness and can help them want to make a difference in the world.

Team Final Wrap Up (Sailor Moon) 5/1/2015

Sailor Moon’s mission comes to an end, but we will never stop taking actions.


After Earth Day presentation…

Team Sailor Moon did another presentation in the class to give a review of what we have done and what we have learned throughout the missions. We also acknowledged the missions of other leagues. Team Sailor Moon believes that we can do more, in addition to reducing food wastes. Such as planting trees, building houses for birds, and cleaning the trails. We feel a responsibility to take every baby step to protect our Mother Earth, the planet we lived on!


In Conclusion

The problem of food waste is a global problem, it is around you. You can find the problem not only in the cafeteria, but also in every building on the campus. Students throw away leftover drinks and snacks. Residents in the dormitory dump lots of out-of-day foods every week. Sometimes they forget to separate the garbage, which makes recycling works difficult. Sailor Moon cannot let the evil demon damage our environment. We made observations, interview, and surveys to learn more about the food waste. We want to inform people about the problem around us and encourage them to take actions to save our foods. Food preservation is an act of respecting the farmers, who bring foods to our dinner table. Food Saving is also an act of reducing greenhouse gas in the landfills. You cannot imagine how many foods we can save, and how much we can do to help the poor, the hunger.




Earth Day Presentation (Sailor Moon) 4/29/2015




On the day of Earth day presentation

Because of the weather, we changed our place of presentation to the Gaige building. In the hallway, people can see a lot of post boards created by several groups. They all have important missions to complete, and they presented the contents about the missions to every one. We all have the same purpose: Love our planet.

The Team Sailor Moon sets up the table with attractive post board. Guess what the special gift is? It is skittles! We offer visitors skittle to eat. Depending on what color they pick, they will do one thing, which is from the section “What can You do” on our post board, correspond to the color. One visitor, a pretty little girl, came to our presentation and picked a red skittle. From the poster board, the corresponding red bullet point states: “Supervise someone who does not finish their foods”. This means that you need to tell the person, who left their foods, to finish their plates! Cannot make it to the presentation? Don’t worry, here are the lists that you can do to reduce food wastes! Try to pick a skittle and find the corresponding one on the following list:

  • Supervise someone who did not finish their food
  • Learn more about food waste, hunger, and poverty
  • Eat as much as you can, and do not waste the food
  • Don’t get too many foods if you cannot finish them
  • Save the rest of the food and recycle them yourself
  • Donate one of your meals to the local food bank, or simply, poor people
  • Spread the words to your friends and family about food recovery
  • Try to have one meal for one day to experience the hunger from which 805 million undernourished people had suffered
  • Have one post about food recovery and food waste on your social network
  • View one video about food waste on YouTube
  • Spend one day to work directly with poor people, or being a volunteer of the food bank



See how much you can do? Team Sailor Moon believes that you can do a lot more than this! Beside this, every visitor can learn about our project by looking through our poster, and talking to our members. We talked about our missions and our research on clean energy. It has been a great experience on Earth day presentation!

Team Swag Hawk Mountain 5/1/15

This is our final post for the project! We enjoyed learning everything we could about fracking and its harmful effects on the environment. All four of the members in this group have put forth a continuous effort to help the environment by working at Hawk Mountain in Schuylkill County. We have met so many people and explored new areas about hawks that we would never have known about had it been for this project. We look forward to doing more projects in the future and exploring further into the sustainability of our earth. WE hope all the viewers have learned a lot as well from this project, and if anyonehas any questions, they can feel free to contact u at our Penn State emails. Thank you all for your time!

– Team Swag

Final Post (Team CAKE) 5/1/2015

Team CAKE would like to first of all thank everyone who has been keeping up with our posts on this site.  We would also like to thank Dr. K as well as Kathy at Blue Marsh Lake for giving us the opportunity to spend time volunteering and helping out the community.  We had a lot of fun during our work day as well as in class in general.  We learned a lot about the pacific trash vortex and enjoyed sharing our research with our classmates.  We also enjoyed hearing everyone else’s presentations in class over the past week.

-Team CAKE

(Callie, Aly, Kyle and Eric)

Farewell from (Team Blue Marsh) April 30th, 2015

Team Blue Marsh finished up our community service work within the last few weeks! We finished up what we could with the rotting railroad ties, and from there Lauren and Lindsay worked to landscape around the community service building! We both landscaped on a beautiful day and enjoyed watching the transformation as we cleared the overgrown plants, and weeds. On Saturday April 18th, there was a community cleanup day at Blue Marsh and volunteers helped to finish the landscaping, and added mulch to finish the project!

Throughout the semester our team also researched types of Water Pollution, causes, effects, and solutions. Here is some of the data that we found:

What is water pollution?

Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living organism that depends on water to survive.  Water pollution affects the entire biosphere, which include plants and organisms living in theses bodies of water. The effect is damaging not only to the individual species and population, but also to the natural biological communities.

Causes of Water Pollution:

Sewage/Wastewater: Wastewater is usually comprised of feces, urine, and laundry waste, which then runs to rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. Therefore, treating water should be a huge priority in all countries. The contaminants in untreated wastewater going to the environments in which they reside causes different types of diseases and increased health problems in these areas.

Marine Dumping: Marine dumping includes dumping litter/trash into the ocean, which obviously poses major concerns. Fish and other animals can possibly get caught or suffocated in different plastic pollutants. Marine dumping is so crucial to pay attention to because it takes about 200 years for aluminium and 400 years for different plastics to decompose in our environments.

Radioactive Waste: Radioactive waste is produced in facilities that use radioactive material and is very harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly.

radioactive waste

Eutrophication/Farm Runoff: Eutrophication is when the environment becomes enriched with extra nutrients, which causes these nutrients to run off into the water. These nutrients in the water cause phytoplankton to grow and reproduce more rapidly, which causes increased algae blooms in the water. The algae then uses most of the oxygen in the water, which results in death of many aquatic organisms such as fish and invertebrates. The algae blooms may also block sunlight from plants living underneath.

Oil Pollution: Oil spills in oceans happen on a daily basis due to oil leaks, runoffs, and dumping. Oil spills cause many local problems where it is spilled. It can also spread and affect marine wildlife and birds miles away. Oil does not dissolve in water, therefore it creates a sludge barrier on top of the water. This coating of oil suffocates fish underneath the water surface, blocks sunlight from underwater plants, and gets in bird’s feathers, which causes the bird to be flightless.


Industrial Waste: Many industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away their waste into nearby rivers and oceans. These pollutants may include non-biodegradable materials including mercury, petrochemicals, and lead.

Storage Leaks: There are many storage tanks and a large piping networks underneath the ground that store and and move petroleum products across the country. These networks and tanks that were constructed before the 1980’s were made out of steel, which are directly exposed to the environment causing leakages. These leakages contaminate nearby soils that run off into watersheds.

Atmospheric Deposition: Atmospheric decomposition is water pollution caused by air pollution. Air pollution gets mixed with water particles in the atmosphere and when it rains these pollutants are back into the water system.


Global Warming: Surprisingly global warming is one of the causes of  water pollution. As the temperature rises on Earth, many aquatic organisms die, which disrupts all marine habitats and their respective ecosystems.Therefore global warming is an effect of different types of pollution, but also contributes to water pollution as well. It is a cause and an effect of pollution.

Effects of Water Pollution:

Whether you believe it or not water pollution affects everyone and everything in our environment including humans, animals, marine life, and the environment itself.

Humans: Contaminated water leads to water borne diseases (cholera and tuberculosis). In developed countries toxins can still be in the water supply, which can cause rashes and stomach aches.

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Water pollutants in water can kill certain animals. These holes in the food chain leads to problems throughout the entire ecosystem. Pollutants in smaller animals that are eaten by bigger ones travels all the to the secondary consumers of these animals, which in most cases are humans.

Marine Life:

Nearly one ton of plastic waste material ends up in the ocean  every year. Much of this plastic waste is consumed by marine life that mistake it with food. Animals also get tangled and trapped in plastic bags, balloons, medical waste, soda cans, and milk cartons. Trash can cause entanglement, starvation, drowning, and strangulation.Often, toxins like mercury are released into the water, which fall to the ocean floor and are consumed by bottom feeders. When toxic materials are introduced into marine animals habitat it can cause behavioral abnormalities, cancer, lesions, death and reproductive changes.


Pollutants travel downstream flowing into all waters and ecosystems connected to that pollution area.This promotes overgrowth of algae which can overtake the ecosystem and effect the other animals and the food chain. Every single thing we do as a human population affects our environment in some sort of way, which is why it is important to recognize our role on Earth. Therefore we should do the best we possibly can to help protect our fragile environment.



There are many things that each and every one of us can do to help keep our waters clean:

Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary

Use environment friendly cleaning products

Use reusable water bottles and bags

Don’t litter and pick up litter if you see any

Be careful what chemicals or paints you rinse down the drains

Reduce amount of fertilizers and pesticides

Always recycle when possible

As far as Industrial water pollution goes, there needs to be more legislation concerning water pollution with the focus on the effects of waste on our environment.The regulations should educate these companies on how reducing waste can actually have a mutual beneficial result in the company as well as the environment.


Team Blue Marsh would like to thank everybody for keeping up with our blog and checking back to see what we are up to! We look forward to seeing posts from groups in the future! Thanks again from Lauren, Lindsay, Darby, and Nathan!








Soaring into the Future(Berks Blue Birds) April 30, 2015

Hey All! Thank you so much for following us through our adventure of our mission to save the Blue birds here on campus! So since the last time we posted, there has been some progress! To recap, the last time we posted we cleaned out all of our birdhouses and got them all ready for the bluebirds to start their new nests for this spring! After this exciting day of getting down and dirty as well as learning all sorts of interesting facts about blue bird houses as well as bluebirds! After that, our team waited a week or so and we went out again to check the progress of our birdhouses and to our surprise we did indeed have new nests inside them!!!! And thankfully they were all, what looked like it to us, were nests that bluebirds would have built! Upon further examination of the nests we did not see any garbage or indications of the English Sparrow infiltrating the bluebird nest houses! We were so happy with our results because it looks like the bluebirds have a home this spring and summer to nest and raise their young and help to populate the Penn State Berks Campus with more and more blue birds! Once again thank you so much for following our adventure with this project and this is definitely something that will continue here at Berks! This is the Berks Blue Birds flying away! 🙂

Hawk Mountaineers

Overall in completing this project, we learned a lot about Hawk Mountain’s history and mission.  The project created a memorable experience for our team and we are appreciative that we got this opportunity.  We recommend that those that did not go to Hawk Mountain should definitely visit the sanctuary and hike the trails.  It was a great experience, especially since we were able to leave our mark for the environment!