Final Update- Schuylkill River Rescuers

As we finish the project we made great progress in our research and making the trail look very clean. We cleaned the trail of almost 10 tires and many pounds of trash. We went back to check on the trail today and we noticed that no more trash has appeared since we cleaned, so hopefully people are taking the initiative to keep the trail clean. During the Earth Day presentation we noticed how many people are uninformed about the harm we are causing to our environment. Our team is now taking the time to spread the word on volunteering and the harm pollution can potentially cause if we keep living the way we do.

Research done- Schuylkill River Rescuers

For our research we looked into how pollution is affecting the local area and also the world. We found out how Reading has moderate pollution and we noticed this through our visit to the Schuylkill trail. The water stopped running through this trail due to pollution over the years. Globally we found out how we are destroying the environments of many animals and increasing our risk for health problems.

Last day at Blue Marsh for Team ABS! April 28, 2015

On our last day at Blue Marsh Lake, we got the opportunity to visit the control tower to see how the dam operated. We went into the tower and all the way to the bottom, 350 feet underneath the water. Here we learned exactly what each part of the dam did and how it contributed to helping the flooding of the Susquehanna Valley and parts of the Tulpehocken. We then spent the last hour and a half weeding and mulching the front of the ranger station making it look brand new again.

We really enjoyed our time volunteering at Blue Marsh Lake and look forward to visiting again in the future! We hope you all enjoyed following our posts, videos, and our journey!

Please view our PowerPoint to find out more information on Blue Marsh and our environmental issue of Beached Pilot Whales in New Zealand! Click Here: EACAP

Watch this video to see all that we did: Last Day! click here

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Bluebird Update (Bluebirds) April 27, 2015

After checking in on the houses earlier today we have some updates about the bird houses. House #3 which had 2 eggs in it now has 5 eggs.  Also when house #4 was opened we were surprised to find an alive grown bluebird sitting inside. The bird just sat and let us observe enough to take a video and take a picture before flying off into the trees.


Final Meeting (Team B.T.E.L.) 4/27/15 Becca, Tyler, Eddie, Liam (Hawk Mtn)

Our final meeting was on Saturday, 4/25/15, with Ryan at Hawk Mountain. We present tomorrow, so I am not trying to spoil our presentation, but our project was to clear a path that was handicap accessible. Hawk Mountain received a 1 million dollar grant for their project, the excavation starts today. We hauled 100s of lbs of lumber out of the forest, also had to cut down the longer twigs.IMG_7973 IMG_7332

Birdhouse Cleaning (Bluebirds) April 24, 2015

We went out and visited all of the birdhouses here on campus. Our findings are as follows:

House #3- Bluebird nest(tightly woven neat grass nest) with 2 eggs

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House #4- Empty


House #5- Beginning of wrong type of nest

House #6- 2 grown dead Bluebirds inside. Bluebird nest inside.


House #7- Not a Bluebird nest, Sticks were removed, Dead bird found in bottom



House #9- Wrong type of nest

House #11- Signs of Bluebird nest, but other type of nest built on top.


House #12- Wrong type of nest.

Next, we will visit the remaining houses and monitor the houses to see if anything changes.


Team Ecosystem 4/27/2015 Final Meeting

Hey guys! We finished up our hours at Hawk Mountain this weekend. We got the opportunity to rake out leaves and cut dead plants out of flower beds. We also were able to help other volunteer groups cut out branches to help make a new trail at Hawk Mountain. We are just adding our final touches to our power point and will be ready to present Thursday! See you then!