Sarahann, Taryn, and myself (Shauna) have finished our EACAP project, we loved helping our environment, and making it more beautiful, we also gained a lot of knowledge with our research, along with listening to our other classmates about their projects! Thanks for following our journey!
Category: Team Reading Inc.
PowerPoint (team reading inc.)
Power point
Sarahann, Taryn, and I made some progress on our power point today for our EACAP project. Our power point is about pollution. We focused on littering, water, air, and soil pollution, and some other topics as well. Although we are not completely done with the power point it is coming along smoothly and nicely.
Introduction Post (Team Reading Inc.) March 4, 2015
Our names are Taryn, Shauna, and SarahAnn. Shauna is a junior and SarahAnn and I are freshman. Shauna and I are majoring in psychology and SarahAnn is majoring in communications. For our EACAP project we are working with the organization Reading Inc. Working alongside of this organization, we will be assisting with the cleaning up and beautification of the area assigned. The topic that we will be focusing on is pollution. By cleaning up areas, such as a park, we will be able to see first hand how pollution affects the environment and animals.