Final Update- Schuylkill River Rescuers

As we finish the project we made great progress in our research and making the trail look very clean. We cleaned the trail of almost 10 tires and many pounds of trash. We went back to check on the trail today and we noticed that no more trash has appeared since we cleaned, so hopefully people are taking the initiative to keep the trail clean. During the Earth Day presentation we noticed how many people are uninformed about the harm we are causing to our environment. Our team is now taking the time to spread the word on volunteering and the harm pollution can potentially cause if we keep living the way we do.

Research done- Schuylkill River Rescuers

For our research we looked into how pollution is affecting the local area and also the world. We found out how Reading has moderate pollution and we noticed this through our visit to the Schuylkill trail. The water stopped running through this trail due to pollution over the years. Globally we found out how we are destroying the environments of many animals and increasing our risk for health problems.

Team Update (Schuylkill River Rescuers)

Currently we are in the process of setting up a meeting with the trails manager at Schuylkill River National Heritage Area. Our task will be helping to clear the trails and any debris surrounding the area. To add on to the project we plan on researching how the climate change is not only effecting the earth, but specifically animals near the trails.  We are also researching how people are contributing to the pollution and destruction of the surrounding environments. Overall, we are looking forward to our meeting and continuing our research.

Intro- (Schuylkill River Rescuers) 3/9/15

Hey everyone! Our team is Nick, Samantha, Quentin and Donte and we are the Schuylkill river rescuers. Sami is a freshman from Virginia majoring in speech-language pathology. I’m (Nick) a freshman from Bucks county majoring in business management. Quentin is a freshman from New Jersey majoring in global study and Donte is also a freshman. For the project we are working to clean the Schuylkill river and the pathways that surround it.