Ready, Set….



As a group, we further discussed our plan about how we are going to go about the EACAP project and broke it up into more specific parts.

We still plan to distribute to about 10 people a list, where they will write down a large amount of things that they use, what they use that can be recycled, and what they actually recycle. This list will be formatted in the form of three columns, and was made today. The columns will consist of one of each thing listed above: what people use, what recyclable products they use, and what they actually recycle. We will then construct a graph for the 10 people with three lines: one with total things that they use, another with total recyclable things that they use, and another with things that they actually recycle. We will note how much larger the overall usage of recyclable materials is in comparison to the overall recycling to better understand how important it is that we make people aware that waste reduction needs to take place.

We will then write blurbs/short articles about each of the six initiatives (Bee Hives, MOBIUS Recycling, Food Recovery Network, Rain Barrels, Paper Waste Reduction,  and Bat Houses) on the Sustainability website providing an overview of each initiative and adding an appropriate image to each. The images were all gathered this morning.

Knowing that our graphs will most likely show that not everything that needs to be recycled gets recycled by the people we survey, we will also mention how improvements in terms of increased recycling and waste reduction will help each of the initiatives be more successful not only at Penn State Berks, but anywhere.

The Environmentalist Begins to Take Action

Photo Credit: Penn State Photographer

Real life photo of the carelessness of college students on campus in terms of recycling


We met with the Sustainability Team and talked about how the lack of recycling on the Penn State Berks campus is disturbing and students are not doing their part to help the environment and recycle even though there are a lot of efforts being made by the people on campus to allow recycling to happen and to make it easy to do so.

We decided that our project would revolve around a web page that intends to give incentive to students around campus and around the world to put in the little effort that is needed to recycle materials, and it is meant to teach those students that that little effort can go a long way in protecting the environment and, in turn, making their lives better as well as the lives of those around them. We want to try to get students to recycle recyclable materials and throw true waste in trash cans and make sure nothing ever gets littered.

-Asher Fair, Ben Straka, Derek Dewald


The Environmentalist Takes on the Issues

From left: Asher Fair, Derek Dewald, Ben Straka

Asher Fair- I am majoring in accounting and am a freshman. I graduated from Muhlenberg High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed at Slick Willy’s Karts and Eats.

Derek Dewald- I am undecided about my major and am a freshman. I graduated from Schuylkill Valley High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed by my father making boat propeller molds.

Ben Straka- I am majoring in business and am a freshman. I graduated from Exeter High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed at McDonald’s.

We will be working with the Penn State Berks Sustainability Team to complete this project, and we will be doing so by working on a sustainability newsletter and web page. We are interested in enhancing our knowledge about sustainability and the environmental issues surrounding it. Also, we hope to spread knowledge around to the world regarding the many environmental issues that we face today by posting on the web page that we create.