Environments?!? What do you think?!?

On Friday, October 28 my team and I assisted the Penn State Berks Sustainability Team here on campus. B and S Incorporated jumped on the oppurtunity to welcome the fifth graders, staff and faculty coming from Glenside Elementary School in Reading Pa. My team assisted the fifth graders by leading our own paint station. At this station, Ben Sam M and Sam G asked the students to construct a painting of their environment. We asked students what they thoughtimg_1368 of when they heard the word environment and watched over them to make sure that they would not make a mess. Once the fifth graders completed their paintings we took their artwork and left it in front of the window to dry.The whole time this was going on my team was given the task to make sure the students had all of the materials they needed. In between station switches my team and I had to run to the bathroom and wash their brushes and water cups and make sure the station was ready for the next group of kids. Once time ran out for painting Ben, Sam G and I joined the fifth graders on a tour around our campus which ultimately ended once we got to the greenhouse. The fifth graders returned from the greenhouse and my team assisted in cleaning up and packing away the materials that we used for the field trip. Overall, we all agree that it was a fulfilling experience to give back to the community! Each of us believe that the best form of action regarding the environment is to continually spread education and get as many people as possible acclimated to what is happening in our environment today. img_1367

The Environmentalist Begins to Take Action

Photo Credit: Penn State Photographer


Real life photo of the carelessness of college students on campus in terms of recycling


We met with the Sustainability Team and talked about how the lack of recycling on the Penn State Berks campus is disturbing and students are not doing their part to help the environment and recycle even though there are a lot of efforts being made by the people on campus to allow recycling to happen and to make it easy to do so.

We decided that our project would revolve around a web page that intends to give incentive to students around campus and around the world to put in the little effort that is needed to recycle materials, and it is meant to teach those students that that little effort can go a long way in protecting the environment and, in turn, making their lives better as well as the lives of those around them. We want to try to get students to recycle recyclable materials and throw true waste in trash cans and make sure nothing ever gets littered.

-Asher Fair, Ben Straka, Derek Dewald