Toasty Brick Squad Hits the Trail (April 11, 2016)

This past Friday along with other hit the Penn State Schuylkill River Trail. When we got there we didn’t even get to the entrance of the trail lets and we saw loads and load of garbage. The woods along the trail was filled with empty bottles everyday house trash and contracted waste. As we went along the trail we made our way down to the water front there we tested the soil for ph and saw some trash floating in the water. Along the trail there were multiple signs and maps for the trail but they were all graffitied. There a lot of work still to be done but we all of your help i think we can clean it up please join us on    APRIL 23 from 8a    m to 1pm for the Schuylkill River Trail clean up eIMG_6468vent. Hope to see you there IMG_6465IMG_6467