The Environmentalist Stirs Up Plan A


Loads of cans have been recycled by consumers and are ready to be hauled away to be remade into new and more useful products.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Our first plan to increase the awareness of the need for recycling involves having a coupleĀ of randomly selected individuals record everything that they use on a daily basis that are recyclable. This could be anything and everything that at some point in time can be recycled. It will also include a section of the things that they totally use up that are recyclable, and whether or not that person actually took the time and effort to recycle them or not (things like aluminum cans, paper, etc.)

This plan could turn out very successfully, or it could be flawed, as people could purposely just give us the best possible more “environmentally friendly” answer we could ask for just to gt the project done with, so the plan is to not make it long or boring. Hopefully this will not be the case, and we can make it interesting enough for people to actually want to participate, but we will see what we can do.

Our thoughts…

The MLR group has decided on two things.

First of all, we will be conducting research on the contamination of water and how we as a community can fix the issue. We will research how water becomes contaminated in different areas of the country and how to solve each.

Second, as previously mentioned, MLR decided to work with the enhancements of Glenside Elementary. We have decided to work with My Squash to make stepping stones for their garden as well as replace some of the flowers that are dying within the garden. We look forward to making their garden flourish with some color.

Introducing MLR


Introducing the MLR group… Megan is studying kinesiology, Laken is studying agribusiness management, and Raheem is studying business management. Megan and Laken are both a part of the women’s volleyball team. Laken is a member of the Outdoors Club, THON, and Volleyball Club. Raheem works at UPS part time.

Our project is working with Glenside Elementary School to enhance their gardens and campus. We decided on this project because all of us enjoy working hands on. MLR would like to gain a sense of community from helping out the elementary and improving it’s environmental surroundings.