Work, work, work, work, work…

Today, we wrapped up our questions on the survey for students living on campus. We viewed the opportunity to be involved in a video about a recycling program, but decided we needed to focus on our individual EACAP project. We’re hoping to get a substantial amount of information from our survey in order to come up with a solution to reduce the mixture of trash and recyclables. We still need to figure out how we will distribute the surveys to students on campus. We are in the process of contacting RA’s in hopes that they can help to distribute the survey, and who doesn’t obey their RA?




Working out the Kinks

As a team we have decided to do research on the current knowledge students on campus have about sustainability, waste reduction, and other general environmental issues.  This research will help us understand what students currently do and don’t know and how they are currently utilizing the waste bins on campus.  During our first meeting we will be coming up questions to ask the students in our survey as well as figure out the best methods to distribute the surveys.


The Environmentalist Begins to Take Action

Photo Credit: Penn State Photographer


Real life photo of the carelessness of college students on campus in terms of recycling


We met with the Sustainability Team and talked about how the lack of recycling on the Penn State Berks campus is disturbing and students are not doing their part to help the environment and recycle even though there are a lot of efforts being made by the people on campus to allow recycling to happen and to make it easy to do so.

We decided that our project would revolve around a web page that intends to give incentive to students around campus and around the world to put in the little effort that is needed to recycle materials, and it is meant to teach those students that that little effort can go a long way in protecting the environment and, in turn, making their lives better as well as the lives of those around them. We want to try to get students to recycle recyclable materials and throw true waste in trash cans and make sure nothing ever gets littered.

-Asher Fair, Ben Straka, Derek Dewald


Introducing My Squash


Major, interests, sports, hobbies, pets, etc.

Makayla: Early Childhood Education, I play on the volleyball team for PSU Berks, I love everything Disney, I have a 5 year old German Shepherd/Beagle/Boxer mix, I love traveling in my camper with my family, and I enjoy going to the beach.

Jen: Early Childhood Education, I play volleyball for the PSU Berks team, I am constantly singing, I love Disney music, I have a 6 year old German Shepherd, I love going to the beach and camping, and I use to be a cheerleader.

Hannah: Early Childhood Education, I play soccer for the PSU Berks team, I love to dance, I have a 13 year old Yellow Lab, I like everything Disney, and I love going to the Beach.

Monica: Criminal Justice, I play women’s soccer team for PSU Berks, I love to listen to music, play my guitar and do any kinds of sports, I have a 9 year old German Shepherd/Golden Retriever.

We will be working with Glenside Elementary on their sustainable projects. The one that we chose to work on is creating a garden and campus enhancing features to make the elementary school more sustainable.

We are interested in gaining knowledge on how to make a simple action more sustainable. For example we will be helping the elementary school create sustainable actions like bird feeders, gardening, and so much more to help create awareness in the elementary school.


The media has been utilized for years to change our viewpoints on the environment. The Inconvenient Truth that was released in 2006 was a huge contributor to creating awareness and a sense of urgency in regards to how we use products that create carbon dioxide emissions. A more recent example that occurred in 2013 was a documentary that shed light on the controversial capturing of killer whales. This documentary, entitled Blackfish, actually changed the policies of SeaWorld’s training and performance methods. Our goal is to create a call to action by using the influence of the media to once again change how the society views its relationship with the environment.

The Green Media team consists of students in various majors that will use their unique skills to inform and motivate change.
Paul Bailey-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Mangement option
Becky Webster-B.A. in Criminal Justice
Alli Stauffer-B.S. in Business Administration
Lexi Buckalew-B.S. in Business, Marketing and Management

The Environmentalist Takes on the Issues

From left: Asher Fair, Derek Dewald, Ben Straka

Asher Fair- I am majoring in accounting and am a freshman. I graduated from Muhlenberg High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed at Slick Willy’s Karts and Eats.

Derek Dewald- I am undecided about my major and am a freshman. I graduated from Schuylkill Valley High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed by my father making boat propeller molds.

Ben Straka- I am majoring in business and am a freshman. I graduated from Exeter High School. In addition to being a full-time student at Penn State Berks, I am also employed at McDonald’s.

We will be working with the Penn State Berks Sustainability Team to complete this project, and we will be doing so by working on a sustainability newsletter and web page. We are interested in enhancing our knowledge about sustainability and the environmental issues surrounding it. Also, we hope to spread knowledge around to the world regarding the many environmental issues that we face today by posting on the web page that we create.

Meeting Thrive and Survive Team


Hi! We are the Thrive and Survive team. We are comprised of four students. Our names are Justin, Elizabeth, Amelia, and Nate.
Elizabeth: I am a freshman at Penn State Berks. I am going for Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. I don’t have many interests I guess, I just really enjoy photography.
Nate: I’m a junior at Penn State Berks. I transferred from Penn State Lehigh Valley this semester and I am a Professional Writing major. I love football, writing, and cars.
Justin: I’m a freshman at Penn State Berks. I am majoring in business. I love to play basketball.
Amelia: I am a freshman at Penn State Berks. I am going for hospitality management. I love to hangout with friends and go for adventures. I am a very outgoing and friendly individual.
We are going to be working with Dr. Kazempour on the Newsletter. We are interested in gaining knowledge about our environment around us. We are excited to be able to inform others about what we are learning about.

Introducing Us: Green to the Extreme


Hello World!!

We’re pleased to meet you all. Our team members are made up of four Penn State Berks Students.

Our names are, and here’s a little bit about ourselves:


Taylor DeLisle- I am a Criminal Justice Major, I am in my junior year. I am an equestrian and spend a large chunk of my mine out doors with the animals.

Allison Fetterman -I am a Rehabilitation & Human Services major, I am a sophomore, and love spending time with my family. I love swinging on the hammock and enjoying the beautiful things life has to offer.

Keri Klimko -I’m a sophomore in the Kinesiology major. I’m also a student athlete as a part of the women’s soccer team at Berks. I enjoy watching movies, the beach, and cooking food.

Alexa Lopez- I’m a sophomore as well as a Psychology major. Like Keri, I play women’s soccer at Berks. I also love dancing and playing with puppies.

Since we are working with Glennside Elementary our goal is to help spread awareness to the next generation and to show them that every individual can do their part to help make a difference and a better planet for everyone.