Updates from the Penn State Greenhouse – The Bee Team (April 12, 2016)

Hi everyone! It’s Alanna, Chelsea, and Damian! So far, we have only had two chances to go over to the greenhouse as a group, as the weather has not been cooperating with us. During our first meeting, we separated s12986551_10204283134957790_621925050_oeeds and planted them, because the sunflowers would have outgrown everything else. We will hopefully be planting the sunflower seeds within the next week or so, and hopefully they will be well on their way before the semester ends.

When we went back two weeks later, we found that the seeds that we had planted started to sprout! During our second trip, we started to clean out an old garden by the Janssen Conference Center. By the time we are done, we should be replanting the seeds that we’ve started into the garden to start a new pollination garden

12986586_10204283136077818_335857022_oOther than an outrageously painful splinter in Chelsea’s thumb, our first day cleaning the garden went great! We were able to get a large amount of debris pulled out of the garden, as well as having some laughs during the process.







Damian and Alanna had another workday on April 12th, which greeted them with plenty of rain and mud! They continued cleaning out the garden, by ripping out vines, cutting back poke weed, and raking the cutoffs out of the garden for removal. We’ll be back their bright and early Thursday morning to continue cleaning as a group. We don’t mind cleaning, but we are excited to get back to planting the flowers!


Photo on 4-12-16 at 11.19 AM Stay tuned for more to come from The “Bee” Team!

~ Damian, Chelsea, & Alanna