The Environmentalist Begins to Take Action

Photo Credit: Penn State Photographer

Real life photo of the carelessness of college students on campus in terms of recycling


We met with the Sustainability Team and talked about how the lack of recycling on the Penn State Berks campus is disturbing and students are not doing their part to help the environment and recycle even though there are a lot of efforts being made by the people on campus to allow recycling to happen and to make it easy to do so.

We decided that our project would revolve around a web page that intends to give incentive to students around campus and around the world to put in the little effort that is needed to recycle materials, and it is meant to teach those students that that little effort can go a long way in protecting the environment and, in turn, making their lives better as well as the lives of those around them. We want to try to get students to recycle recyclable materials and throw true waste in trash cans and make sure nothing ever gets littered.

-Asher Fair, Ben Straka, Derek Dewald