The Green Lion, Final Post! Our Video!

We would like to share a video with everyone the importance of food waste, so please have a look at our video here! Please feel free to share this video with friends and family, wherever you please. Use this video as a way to get the message out about how severe food waste really is!

The Importance of Food Waste

Final In Class Presentation – Tofu (May 1, 2016)

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Our Team presented our project in class on April 28, 2016. I talked about the trash issues as well as the recycling processes around the world. Youlee talked about the issues around Berks county as well as potential solutions to deal with the increasing amount of trashes. Zhenghao Ji talked about the issues on campus and Jasmine talked about our service hour projects as I have described in earlier posts. Doing this project first seems to be very boring and I am only doing this project for the class. However, after we have done so many interesting and inspiring things for this project, I gradually fell in love with the term “Environment Friendly”.  We have researched many materials that indicating the situation around the world is getting worse and if we do not take actions, the Earth would eventually not be able to accommodate all of us. I apologize for not sharing many interesting activities at first because we focused on researching the issues initially. I have learned a lot during this project and that has been a real education, I sincerely hope you have also learnt something useful and I urge you to be “environment friendly”.

Plastic Curtains for the Greenhouse – Tofu (April 25, 2016)

IMG_3195屏幕快照 2016-04-25 下午9.31.01

In the spirit of not wasting anything, we came up with a brilliant idea to use the plastic bottles’ bottoms to create plastic curtains for the greenhouse. We colored the plastic using markers and then used fish lines to connect each of them.

Greenhouse Made of Bottles – Tofu (April 25, 2016)


It is so surprising that we can make half a greenhouse’s wall out of a weeks bottle consumption on Berks campus. Approximately, there are over 500 plastic bottles being tossed away in the library every week and based on the calculation, finishing this greenhouse, 3,000 plastic bottles are enough. We cut the bottom of the bottle and put the bottles on the bamboo sticks. Then we nail the bamboo into the wooden frame. This project really should ring the bell for us that there are so many bottle consumptions every weeks, that could cost a lot of money to even recycle. Don’t be afraid to drink tap water.

Trash Display for Earth Week – Tofu (April 25, 2016)


Our trash display board consists of three individual sections and they are facts, observations and issues. Each of our group member researched 2 buildings on our campus and came up with many interesting facts. We dig into trashcans in each building to figure out the recycling rates, which by the way is not ideal at all. There are so many misplaced trashes in each trashcan, especially for plastic bottles and paper wastes. In addition, we counted how many trashcans and recycling bins are there in each building and we finally came with with 5 possible solutions to help the recycling process on campus.

Post #4: Sierra Club at Kunkletown, PA. – Lady Lions of Sierra (April 25, 2016)

Happy Easter Everyone!


The Lady Lions of Sierra have been working very hard towards finding credible information to help the people of Kunkletown. If you do not know about the current issue in Kunkletown, here is some information to catch you up on the topic:


Eldred Township Residents Grill DEP, DRCB On Nestle Water Extraction Plant

Lady Lions of Sierra Panel Discussion: TAPPED. (April 24, 2016)

Happy Warm Weather Everyone!


On April 18th, the Lady Lions of Sierra attended the TAPPED documentary showing at Penn State Berks. Along with us, Darree (our intern coordinator) and multiple environmental activists from the Sierra Club also attended the showing. After the showing, Rachel, Jess, and Hali two facts sheet on water extraction. We also held an informal discussion about the water extraction problem in our area and discussed how to take progressive steps towards creating awareness within our community about this massive issue. We also brought a visual display that we created the contained images from Flint, Michigan’s contaminated water supply as well as similar contaminated water issues that are currently going on in our area. Below, I have attached the two fact sheets handed out at the TAPPED showing, and also the trailer of TAPPED.


We Hope you Enjoy!

Photo on 4-12-16 at 2.46 PM


Click to access fact_sheet_fact_check_clean_water_rule.pdf

Click to access PA-Drinking-Water.pdf