Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Record Lectures on my iPad?

iOS devices include a native screen recording app that does an excellent job of recording presentations and allows you to use the touch screen or pen functionality to replicate blackboard activities. It is crucial that you be running the latest version of iOS, as previous versions of iOS do not properly encode audio for web delivery.

This YouTube video provides a good overview of how the app works. Please take note of how you turn the microphone on, as it is off by default.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.