Frequently Asked Questions

How do I activate Kaltura machine captions?


Note: If you had live captions enabled in your Zoom recording, they will automatically be pulled into Kaltura.

To check this, sign into Kaltura, select your video in My Media, and click on the CC button on the bottom right of the video. If it was captioned in Zoom, you’ll see the option, “Zoom_transcript” or “Zoom_CC”. If the CC button is not visible, the video was not captioned in Zoom.



Step 1: Request Machine Captions
  1. Login to Penn State MediaSpace and open My Media by clicking your name at the top right.
  2. Click on the name of the video you wish to caption
  3. Under the Actions menu, select Caption and Enrich.

Select Actions and then choose Caption & Enrich from the dropdown menu


Select the service options highlighted below, and click Submit. When the captioning is finished, you’ll receive a notification in your PSU email account. This can take up to an hour.

Service: Machine. Source Media Language: English. Feature: Captions.


Step 2: Attach the Caption File to the Video
  • Return to My Media, and click on the name of the video you captioned.
  • Under the Actions menu, select Edit. (NOT Captions & Enrich.)
  • Click on the Captions tab, then select the show on player icon at the far right. *Note that this option will not appear if the captions are not finished processing.

Click on Captions on the menu beneath the video


The show on player icon will change to active, but this change is almost imperceptible. See the image below:

Captions OFF will have a slash through the play icon

Reload the media page, and you will see the CC button on the video player. Students can toggle this on and off.


Step 3: Edit your captions

To make edits to the captions, see the Kaltura help article, Editing Captions.


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Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.