Frequently Asked Questions

How do I share a link to a Kaltura recording (within the university) in a way that prevents downloads and additional sharing?


Note: You can privately share a Kaltura video with your students in a Canvas course without going through these steps. See the FAQs:


1) Login to Penn State Kaltura and go to the My Media tab in the top menu.

2) From My Media, click on the video you’d like to share.

3) On the video page, below your video, click on the Actions dropdown menu, and choose Edit.

Select Actions and then Edit


4) In the editing window, below your video, click on Collaborations. Choose Add Collaborator.

Select the Collaborations tab and then Add Collaborator.


5) Type in the user’s PSU ID (abc123) and click their name from dropdown. (See Trouble Shooting below if you get “No Matches Found”)

Type in the user's PSU ID (abc123).


6) Set the permissions to Co-Viewer. Click Add.

Set their permissions to Co-viewer and click Add.


7) Next, In the editing window, below your video, click on Downloads. Make sure none of the boxes are checked.

Under downloads, none are selected.


8) Next, click on Publish. Make sure the video is set to Private.

Publish set to Private.


9) Next, on the top left of the screen, go back to your media page.

Link back to the media.


10) On the video page, below your video, click on the Share tab. Copy the link and send it to your user(s). The video will only be viewable to users you add in the Collaborations tab.

Select Share and copy the link.



If you try to add a collaborator and get a message that says “No Matches Found“, that means the user isn’t yet in the Kaltura system. They’ll need to go to Penn State Kaltura and login with their PSU ID. After they login, they will be in the system and you can add them to the collaboration list.


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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.