Frequently Asked Questions

What are the recommendations for team-based projects that are taught remotely?

Check on team progress: Virtual teams add to the complexity of collaboration and increases challenges to team success. Regardless of what tool you and your students use to support virtual teamwork, it is critical that you check frequently on team progress. If you are already using CATME, these progress checks can be done with CATME. If you are not, simple surveys in Canvas may be your best option.

Establish policy on handling team issues: If you have not provided your class with a statement on how you will assist them with issues in team dynamics, please develop and post one. Having such a policy in place is especially important for virtual teams. Simply having students work things out themselves will lead to problems and poorly performing teams.

Use Team Contracts and Roles to support mutual respect and inclusion: It is critical to (re-)emphasize the importance of mutual respect and inclusion within teams. Here are two suggestions on actions that you can require that should support mutual respect, inclusion and team success:

  • Ask teams to prepare/update contracts given shift to virtual teams. All contracts/norms should include a statement on disrespectful behavior and how it will be addressed.
  • Assign roles to assist with the challenges of virtual teamwork.
    • Have students rotate Recorder role. Recorder notes attendance, major outcomes/decisions, and task assignments, plus anything else you wish. Notes should be posted to Canvas for your review.
    • Teams should also have a rotating Facilitator role who is responsible for ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute and no one person dominates. The facilitator should also watch for disrespectful behavior.

Tools for virtual teams: PSU Students have multiple options for collaboration including MS Teams, Canvas, and Google Drive. Zoom can be used for presentations by your teams.

Do you need to change project goals or due dates? Please keep in mind that some team assignments may need to be adapted to ensure that students can complete them remotely or the project deadlines might need to be re-examined. When thinking about team assignments (as well as other assignments), it can be helpful to revisit the learning objectives to ensure that the adapted assignments will still encourage students to meet those objectives.

Also remember and remind your students that it is important to be patient and flexible with your students/teammates.

Team Contract and Approach to Reporting Team Dynamics Challenges to the Instructor

Team Contracts should address:

  • Leadership (Within a group of peers, Service Leadership is recommended)
    • Lead by example
    • Listen to you team and use their ideas
  • Communication
  • Meeting times
  • Expected behaviors (Remember: Trust = character + competence)

What to do if a team member fails to meet expectations in Team Contract:

  • First notification to the team member should be done verbally and include a discussion of what is causing the failure to meet expectations.
  • Second notification MUST be in writing (email).
  • Third notification MUST be in writing (email). Copy instructor on email.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.