Frequently Asked Questions

Who can view my Kaltura videos?


Your videos are only viewable by logged in Penn State users if the following is true:
  1. You never changed the settings in Kaltura. (By default, Kaltura videos are private.)
  2. You used the Kaltura integration from inside your Canvas course.


Not sure?

Here’s how to check:

  1. Go to Kaltura MediaSpace, and in the upper right corner, click LOG IN HERE.
  2. In the My Media tab, click on one of your videos to open it
  3. Under your video, there is a drop-down menu called ACTIONS
  4. Click ACTIONS and choose Publish.
  5. You’ll see 3 choices:
    1. Private – The only people who will see the video are you, anyone in your Canvas course (once the video is pulled in), and any collaborators you assign permission to. Sharing is disabled.
    2. Unlisted – Anyone with the link can see the video and share it.
    3. Published – Published means it’s in a Kaltura channel. Channel permissions can be set independently. Contact us if your video is published and you’re not sure about the channel permissions.

Take note of the Share tab:

  1. The Share tab is to the left of ACTIONS tab.
  2. There are four options:
    1. Link to Media Page – This reflects your permissions discussed above.
    2. Secure Embed – Must be logged in to PSU to view it. Sharing disabled.
    3. Standard Embed – Anyone can view the video and share the link. This overwrites ALL permissions above.
    4. Email – This reflects your permissions discussed above.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.