For the Love of Lifting

I was never athletically inclined. In fact, the majority of my childhood was spent being overweight and petrified of gym class. I was always going on diets and setting goals for myself, in the end letting myself down. However about two years ago, something clicked. Suddenly working out and eating healthy wasn’t a chore for me, it was my motivation. Now it has turned into my number one passion. It is what I revolve my life around and makes me want to work hard and get better.

Entering the gym and being surrounded by the psycho fit people who do marathons and squats 500lbs like It’s no big deal is kind of intimidating at first. It takes time to get comfortable enough to really push yourself especially using equipment you are unfamiliar with. My biggest friend throughout this process was Pinterest. I wanted to walk in the gym every morning and look like I knew what I was doing so the first step in that was to make a workout routine. I did my research and educated myself on the body and strength training. I have a board with hundreds of exercises that I could choose from. This was a start.


Many people say they don’t have time for the gym. The reality is that it may be hard but if you make it a priority there is always time. I start my day every morning at 4:45 am and hit the gym at 5:30am until 7:00am. There I shower and get dressed for my day. The night before I will have already packed two outfits and my meals for the day. I am out the door at 5:15 am and get home at around 7 or 8. This takes a lot of preparation and isn’t easy. But my point is that it IS possible, especially if you’re willing to work hard enough for it.

In my gym, I’ve found my happy place. I’ve found confidence and strength as well as pride. I’ve met so many people that I get to see and talk to every day. Within the last eight months I’ve lost 18 lbs. and I have made significant gains in my strength training as well as cardio. 6 months ago, the farthest I could run without stopping was down to my mailbox and back. About a week ago I did a 5k mud run.

I have made fitness the center of my life. Now that I have seen the progress I am capable of, I am addicted. I invest my time money and energy into being as active and healthy as possible. This has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I just started working with a personal trainer, joined Women’s Water Polo as well as a fitness club on campus called CHAARG. Two years ago I would’ve been scared to death and said there was no way.


But there is a way. Many ways. And I am writing this blog to show you them.

One thought on “For the Love of Lifting”

  1. I don’t even really know you and this post made me proud of you! I also have always struggled with my weight, and I honestly am inspired by your post. I would love to eventually see your workout routine as well as possibly your diet plan. You could also maybe include photos or videos of yourself working out or maybe your meals. I feel that this passion blog is going to be a great inspiration to many, including myself.

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