The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s website is an educational resource from a botanic garden with the main goal of conserving native plants. This website has a wildflower database, a variety of plant lists tailored for different purposes, images, instruction sets, and a retired Q&A forum. The Center has many plant lists available, such as plants recommended by the state, deer resistant plants, plants for butterflies and moths, plants for native bees, and plants that help support predatory insects. The instructions sets and Q&A forum provide information to initiate projects and trouble shoot issues. If there is a specific native plant niche that you want to fill in your garden, the plant database is an excellent tool.
Finding a specific plant to fit in your garden
The Combination Search allows you to search native plants using a variety of filters: region, flower color, bloom time, plant height, hardiness, light conditions, moisture, and plant family. These selections can be used to help find suitable native plants for your garden, or even help identify interesting plants you may find in the wild.