Communicating with Vishuddha

Hello everyone! It is so nice to be going through this chakra journey with you all. While I know that this concept is pretty new for most people, I hope that I as help to introduce new ones each week, that the idea of balancing our lives through chakras is becoming more evident.

Today we are onto our third chakra, the throat chakra. The throat chakra is formally known as Vishuddha. It is the throat chakra that is responsible for our ability to communicate truthfully and have creative self-expression. Vishuddha is also associated to the color blue, which is known to provide the body a feeling a stillness.

As we know by now, if our chakras are unbalanced we experience the symptoms that tell signs of which area we need to work to rebalance. Some symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra include: hesitation to express emotion, a lack of vocabulary, a sense of misunderstanding, aggressive behavior, negative words, a fear to speak the truth, and anxiety towards speaking. Along with more complex symptoms, Vishuddha has some more health-related symptoms of blockage. Some personal health signs of a blocked throat chakra include: a sore throat, raspy voice, gum disease, mouth ulcers, thyroid challenges, and even TMJ disorders.

It is important to have the Vishuddha chakra balanced because it is responsible for our internal communication, so when balanced we are able to listen and collect the proper energy from the chakra to have a deeper bodily connection.

Some ways to assure balance in the throat chakra are through specific yoga poses. One of my favorites is the shoulder stand, or Sarvangasana, which stimulates the thyroid gland to activate increasing blood flow and oxygen to the throat and lungs. This pose also increases better blood circulation all around, especially in the digestive system.

How to do Shoulder Stand — YOGABYCANDACE

Another pose that is beneficial to the throat chakra is the plow pose, which I have mentioned a few times before with our other chakras. All around the plough pose is a standard for many things because it rejuvenates the nervous system that connects our whole body. This pose reduces stress, fatigue, and headaches. Specifically, it has the capability of unblocking the throat chakra through the stimulation of the thyroid gland and abdominal organs.

How to do Plow Pose - YouTube



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